Stop cages, EU citizens’ initiative


‘End the Cage Age’, End to the Age of Cages. The European Commission has registered thecitizens’ initiative EU against cages For farm animals. In Italy, Conad in the crosshairs of animal rights activists for the eggs from trapped chickens.

Compassion in World Farming, 50 years of fighting for animal welfare

Compassion In World Farming (CIWF), the largest NGO dedicated to animal welfare and the protection of animals raised for food, has been engaged for more than half a century in the fight to affirm the need for farming practices that respect the animal welfare, the environment and individuals.

CIWF’s campaigns, begun in 1967, have led to major successes, such as the recognition of animals as sentient beings, within the Lisbon Treaty. (1) ‘A sential animal is one for whom
feelings matter
‘ (John Webster, Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol).

The ‘livestock’ animal – like the companion one – it feels pain, frustration, fear, as well as comfort, relief, satisfaction and joy. Awareness of this must be the premise of any rule about what happens ‘from stable to table’. From stable to table, respect and vigilance are imperative.

Animal farm in a cage. Laying hens and other species

Cage rearing is considered to be the number one cause of animal suffering, planet-wide. Hundreds of millions of living beings are also destined for life imprisonment in Europe. Hens, ducks and quail, as well as rabbits and pigs.

The NGO Animal Equality recently went to an Italian poultry farm along with a reporter from Tg2, to check on the living conditions of the laying hens. Revealing the drama of constraining poultry in cages, as well as various critical animal welfare situations. (2)

It is then added to the horror of chicks chopped at birth since they were born male. A horrible practice – sexation – which only Coop Suisse, among the big players in Europe, has been able to prevent.

The safety of the food chain is indirectly affected by the welfare of animals, particularly those raised for food production, because of the close link between animal welfare, animal health and foodborne toxins. Stressors and poor welfare conditions can result in animals being more susceptible to disease. This can result in a risk to consumers, such as in the case of common foodborne toxins caused by the bacteria Salmonella, Campylobacter and E.Coli.

Animal welfare intended for food production depends largely on management practices by humans. There are many factors that can affect their well-being, such as the type of housing facilities and rest areas, the space available and stocking density, transport conditions, stunning and slaughtering methods, castration of males, and tail docking.’ (EFSA) (3)

‘End the Cage Age, the European citizens’ initiative

The European citizens’ initiative is a tool for active participation in European politics, introduced in 2012 by the Lisbon Treaty. (4) Already worthwhile – unfortunately in vain. – to ask the Commission to ban the use of glyphosate. (5) Most recently, also to promote the ‘Stop hunger affecting 8 percent of Europe’s population(6)

About ‘End the Cage Age‘ Brussels recognizes the legal admissibility of the proposal and registers the initiative, Sept. 11, 2018. Only if it receives one million signatures in at least seven member states within a year will the Commission be obliged to give its opinion. Deciding whether to adopt a proposed regulation or not, justifying their choice.

Cage farms, the situation in Italy

About 21 million hens – 65 percent of those raised in Italy – are still being bred in cages. Forced to live on an area little smaller than an A4 sheet, unable to move and spread their wings. Their bones are brittle and injuries frequent. To prevent the hens from pecking each other due to overcrowding, their beaks are cut off after a few days of life. A painful operation performed without anesthesia.

Coop Italy is at the forefront on the animal welfare front, also in this respect. The leader nationwide was the first large-scale retail group to drastically exclude the sale of eggs from hens raised in cages, as early as 2010. And it was therefore awarded by CIWF.. Auchan, Carrefour and Esselunga followed suit with considerable delay, only beginning to make commitments in 2017.

Conad instead is in last place. It has committed only on eggs to private label (MDD, Distributor Brand), but not also on those branded by others (IDM, Industry Brand). And is therefore the recipient of the latest petition by CIWF, launched in September 2018 to demand that Conad itself permanently exclude from its shelves all eggs that come from cage-farmed hens.


To end the era of cages on farms across Europe, sign CIWF petitions and support the European citizens’ initiative!

Dario Dongo and Giulia Torre


(1) ‘In formulating and implementing the Union’s agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals, while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of the Member States relating in particular to religious rites, cultural traditions and regional heritage.’ (TFEU, Article 13)

(2) SEE


(4) The citizens’ initiative can be initiated by 7 EU citizens, entitled to vote, residing in at least 7 member states. Following eligibility verification and registration by the Board of Commissioners, signature collection will begin for a period of 12 months. If one million signatures are collected, the Commission is obliged to make a reasoned decision, within the following three months. Deciding whether to follow up on the initiative’s request or not

(5) As a result of the initiative, however, the Commission decided to renew the use authorization for glyphosate for 5 years, committing to ‘greater transparency’ in scientific evaluations (see Except to then steer its policies in the opposite direction, as pointed out in the article

(6) Registered by the European Commission on 19.7.18, the initiative aims to obtain concrete actions, by member state governments, to ensure the eradication of extreme poverty in the EU. See

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in law, master in European Food Law, she deals with agro-food, veterinary and agricultural legislation. She is a PhD in agrisystem.