Italians’ food consumption returns in the snapshot rendered by the 12th edition of the Immagino Observatory, which devotes a dossier to household response to price increases.
Indeed, the permanent state of crisis(permacrisis) in which we are forced from the pandemic to the current war economy also leaves its mark on the shopping cart.
The valuable analysis of consumption trends covers 130 thousand products offered in super and hypermarkets between June 2021 and June 2022. The sample is obtained by cross-referencing information in labels digitized by GS1 Italy and consumption data from NielsenIQ. (1)
Imagine Observatory, 12th edition in the endless crisis
The deluge of price increases is hardly sustainable for Italians, holders of the lowest salaries in Europe and even below 2018 levels, as the ILO, International Labor Organization, attests. (1)
With respect to food spending, the only option available to low-income households is to save money by reducing the superfluous and chasing after the cheapest deals and prices for each food category.
The phenomenon is studied by Osservatorio Immagino by analyzing sales trends from two perspectives
- the presence on the label of claims such as‘savings‘, ‘convenience‘,‘offer‘,‘free‘ etc,
- membership in the low price-first price range, mainstream-middle range or premium-high range.
More offers less sales
The presence of the various convenience claims on the label has increased, but has not stimulated sales.
Proportionally, the best result was in high-end products (+6.8 percent in value and +6.7 percent in volume). A contradiction that can be explained by the greater impact of inflation on low-priced products and the propensity of low-income consumers to take advantage of deals to buy premium products, which are usually overpriced.
It’s raining wet.
The impact of inflation in the year ending June 2022 was still tepid, with sales declining less than -1% in volume, but stable in value. The contraction is in low-end products, which have been hit hardest by price increases, compared with high-end products. Specifically, in the macro-categories of analysis of Osservatorio Immagino, the phenomenon is modulated as follows.
Free from
. The basket is predominantly (49.2 percent) allocated in the middle price range. At the extremes are in the top end products with‘low sugar‘ claims and in the low cost end those with‘no additives‘ claims. Sales by price range are shown to be increasing (+1.5 percent in value and +0.7 percent in volume) for the medium-high level and decreasing (-1.2 percent in volume, stable in value) for the lower level.
on the other hand, is a premium basket, with sales more concentrated in the medium (45.3 percent) and high (30.2 percent) price ranges, particularly for the‘fiber‘ and‘protein‘ claims.
As of June 2022, no major shifts toward low-price products and/or reductions in consumption emerge.
Intolerances is another high-value basket, with half (50.4 percent) of total sales from mid-price range products and 30.2 percent from high-price range products.
To cope with price hikes, consumers have shifted to less expensive products: sales in the mid- and lower-middle ranges increased by +3.5 percent and +3.3 percent, respectively, in both value and volume.
The exception is the‘gluten-free‘ segment, where sales of premium products are growing and sales of cheaper ones are falling.
Italianità, up i premium
Italianity, regionality, and supply chain. The main claims of the Italian-ness universe on the label are concentrated in the mid-price range, which provides nearly 47 percent of the total basket turnover.
In this area, 100% Italian accounts for 51.4% of the value share in the middle range, while geographical indications are concentrated at the high end: 36.8% for DOP, DOC and DOCG, 34% for IGP and IGT.
Again, sales are growing (+2.4 percent in value and +1 percent in volume) for the premium end and falling (-1.6 percent in volume) for the low-cost end.
. Organic shows a decline in sales across every price range, with less marked decline in the middle range. The veg area, on the other hand, is polarizing, with a migration from the mid-range to the low end (+2% in value and +1.2% in volume) and the premium end (+2.4% in value and +2.5% in volume).
The Imagine meta-product
The ‘nutritional’ changes in Italians’ spending between summer 2021 and summer 2022 are represented by the Immagino meta-product. This indicator synthesizes information from 77,726 nutrition tables and for this edition does not hold any major surprises.
The contribution of the various nutrients to the metaproduct
– continues to fall for sugars,
– remains stable for carbohydrates and proteins,
– Still decreases for total fat and saturated fat.
– increases with reference to fiber.
Further decreased as a result is the energy intake (in kcal) of the Immagino metaproduct.
Italianness in the cart
The Italian character of products appears on the label of 24 thousand references, which in super and hypermarkets are worth more than 9.7 billion euros in sales, +1.3% compared to 2021. Against a supply of -9.3 percent, demand dropped by 8 percent.
Performance is quite varied among products qualified as Italian in 8 ways, including pictograms, claims and protected designations.
100% Italian. This claim is the second largest (it appears on 7,538 products, 8.3 percent of the basket) and marks the best result in the group, +3.3 percent. The biggest growth is in Uht milk, traditional cookies, pasta, snacks, multipack ice cream, and sliced meats.
Italian flag. The tricolor is the most widespread sign of Italian-ness. It appears on 14,413 products, 15.9 percent of the basket, and marks a turnover increase of +1.7 percent. The biggest growth categories are Uht milk, sliced meats, and tea drinks.
Made in Italy. The third indicator of Italian-ness, the claim appears on 6,569 products and marks a -1.8 percent decline in sales.
Protected designations
Among the 5 European geographical indications, PDOs and PGIs show slight growth in turnover, but only due to increased supply. Overall, in fact, declining demand is a constant.
The 4,196 PDO, DOC and DOCG products lost -1.3 percent in sales. The reason, the report says, is lower demand (-12 percent) and insufficient supply (+10.7 percent). They lose DOC and DOCG wines, mozzarella and garlic. On the other hand, grain cheeses, classic method and dry charmat sparkling wine, oranges and sliced meats are growing.
The balance for PGI and IGT products, which together account for 2.2 percent of the supply of super and hypermarkets, is also not very rosy. Their turnover dropped -1.2 percent, with sales unchanged for PGIs (+0.5 percent) and shrinking for IGTs (-5.5 percent). Wines, alcoholic beers, common wine, cold meats and cold cuts are down.
Regional origin
Regional provenance is indicated in 10 thousand products, 11.1 percent of the food basket of the Immagino Observatory.
Among the 20 regions, eight achieved an increase in sales. The best performances were put in by
- Sardinia (+8.3%),
- Molise (+10.7 percent),
- Liguria (+6.3%).
Trentino-South Tyrol is confirmed as the first region by volume of business. ‘Its’ 974 references achieved more than 372 million euros in sales. The annual trend was slightly negative (-0.7 percent) and should be attributed to DOC and DOCG wines, whole and sliced meats, string cheese, and yogurt.
In second place is Sicily, with more than 347 million euros in sales, up slightly from the year ended June 2021 (+0.9%), and 1,141 products on the shelf. The liveliest categories are Igp and Igt wine, lemonade, ice cream multipacks (cones), panettone, beers and tomato puree.
In the third position, Emilia-Romagna (298 million euros in sales, but down -2.6 percent) undermines Piedmont, which relegated to fourth place.
The ‘supply chain’ phenomenon
The report points to the increasing emergence of the word‘supply chain‘ on the label. It already appears on 1,916 references (2.1 percent of the total detected) that, in the year ended June 2022, developed more than 1.2 billion euros in sales between supermarkets and hypermarkets.
Recall of the supply chain gives a boost to turnover of +8.3 percent. Sales of Uht milk, semolina pasta, beef preparations, chicken and tomatoes performed well.
Free from
Products labeled as free from, meaning free of an additive, ingredient or nutrient, continue to attract. The more than 13 thousand on-shelf references are worth more than 7.4 billion euros in sales, +1.4 percent over the previous year.
is confirmed as the most popular free-from claim. Present on the labels of 4,376 products, it is stable with sales of more than 2.6 billion euros (+0.3 percent). The result is a result of an increase in the supply of sliced meats, frozen natural fish, and ready-to-eat pasta dishes and the demand for tea drinks.
‘Palm oil-free’
, the second-largest claim by turnover (stable at 1.8 billion euros), is present on 2,877 labels. Among the growing categories are processed poultry meat, piadinas, whole grain/multicereal cookies, and sandwich bread.
‘Few Fats’
is in third position by turnover, 1.5 billion euros, up slightly (+0.8 percent). Among the 3,072 products accompanied by this claim, fresh desserts, sports food, functional yogurt, fresh milk, sliced meats, and ready-made pasta dishes are growing.
The charge of sweeteners
Avoiding sugar seems to be the mantra of many Italians. But the quest for sweet taste at all costs fuels the rush to foods with sweeteners.
The phenomenon is well represented by the trend of the‘no added sugar‘ claim. Present on the label of 1,433 products, this recall results in a +14% increase in sales, for a turnover of more than 545 million euros.
The most dynamic categories are fresh desserts, fruit drinks, and sports foods.
The sprint of ‘low sugar‘ and‘no antibiotics‘
Among the 16 monitored claims, two others are very dynamic:
- ‘Few sugars’, out of 2,539 products, generates one of the highest free-from growth rates (+11.7 percent). Among the many expanding categories are fresh desserts, colas, fruit base drinks, sports foods, tea drinks, chewing gum, candies, and Uht milk substitutes.
- ‘antibiotic-free’ is among the fastest growing claims, particularly on fish and poultry specialties. Sales of the 203 products thus offered continue to grow, +7.9 percent, exceeding 123 million euros, after +18.4 percent in the previous annual survey.
Otherwise, positive sign for sales of products labeled with
few calories
. +3.6 percent, to close to 157 million euros. Supplements, flavored waters, energy drinks and jams appear among the 478 products
without aspartame
. Last in terms of number of products (67, basically sweeteners) and turnover (more than 10 million euros), it marks a +3.7 percent, thanks to the expansion of supply.
without glutamate
, +1.7%, nearly 462 million euros. The 739 references include ready-made pasta dishes, sliced meats, and processed poultry meat. Declining frankfurters.
without polyphosphates.
, +1.9%, totaling 211 million euros. Among the 321 products, sliced meats grow and sausages decline.
without additives
, +0,8%. The 1,344 products so labeled are worth 649 million euros. Prepared pasta dishes, processed poultry meat and sliced meats are good, sausage, mozzarella and crescenza are bad.
Rich in, protein and fiber a go-go
There are 9,832 rich-infoods, with a recall on the label to the intake of a nutrient, worth 4.1 billion euros. The 12 claims monitored by Osservatorio Immagino produced a +2.8 percent increase in sales.
is confirmed as the most important call in value. The 2,688 products thus characterized sold for 1.27 billion euros in sales, up 8.4 percent. Cult foods are fresh desserts (to which we devoted a market survey), sports foods, vegetable ready meals, and sliced meats.
is the most present rich-in claim (3,871 products) and totaled 1.18 billion euros in sales, +2.7 percent. Products include vegetable ready meals, sweet snacks, and Uht milk substitutes.
The other rich-in
is the recall that increased sales of the 2,148 related, particularly functional yogurt and fermented milk/kefir by +0.8 percent.
produces +1.4 percent sales of the 2,131 products for a volume of 827 million euros.
, +1.1%, appears on 740 products worth 520 million euros.
‘Lactic ferments’
pushes +1.7 percent sales of the 490 products by more than 347 million.
Magnesium, potassium and zinc
. The three claims increased sales by +5%, +1.3% and +11.6%, respectively.
In contrast, sales related to Omega 3 (-1.5 percent), iron (-3.9 percent) and iodine (-6.2 percent) claims were down .
Claims indicating the absence of an allergen appear on 10,635 products. The sector is worth more than 4.4 billion euros in sales. Products for celiac disease are the most impressive part of the area, while those for lactose intolerance are the best performing of the 6 claims monitored by the Immagino Observatory.
appears on 8,460 preferences and is worth €3.1 billion in sales, up 0.7 percent. Growing supply, particularly of third beef processing, sliced meats, tea drinks.
‘Spiga barrata’
, the logo of AIC (Italian Celiac Association) certifying gluten-free is present on 1,959 products. Worth 630 million euros in sales, +1.1 percent. Soft breads, snack cereals, and sliced meats are the growing categories.
is the best performing claim with sales up +6.9 percent to nearly 1.7 billion. It includes 2,453 references, the most vibrant of which include fresh desserts, sports foods, granola and similar cheeses, functional yogurt, and sliced meats.
appears on the labels of 497 products, with a turnover of more than 282 million euros, up +1.1 percent. Third pork processing and sliced meats were among the most dynamic categories.
qualifies 247 products, with sales up +4% to more than 55 million, mainly due to extruded and savory out-of-batch.
accompanies 178 products, with sales at +2.3 percent, topping 23 million. Fresh nonfilled dough and baby cookies were among the liveliest categories, in addition to health cookies.
Vegan and organic
Among the 6 claims and certifications grouped in the lifestyle area, ‘lifestyle at the table,’ sales dropped -0.6 percent (-1.7 percent in volume). But there is a lot of variability in the industry,
(vegan and/or vegetarian) is the most popular claim. It appears on 4,699 products, which total sales of more than two billion euros (-0.6 percent). Sweet snacks, Uht oat and soy beverages, ready-to-eat meals (soups), plant-based ready-to-eat meals (riced only), and yogurt are growing.
appears on 2,001 products, source of €1.3 billion in sales, up +0.4 percent. On the rise are sweet snacks and Uht beverages made from oats and soybeans, ready-to-eat meals, plant-based ready meals, and functional yogurt.
, featured in 3,554 references, recorded a -1% drop in sales, which amounted to 980 million euros. Especially bad are tomato puree, other infusions, potato extrudates, flours, and blends. Growing, however, were Uht beverages made from oats and soybeans, savory snacks, almond milk, and yogurt substitutes.
Organic at the supermarket
Certified organic products have experienced a decline in demand, in line with the consumption crisis. Sales in hyper and supermarkets of the 8,280 certified products amounted to 1.1 billion and declined by -3.4 percent.
Among products, sales of jarred spreads, savory out-of-meals, gluten-free pasta, homogenized food, extruded food, and fresh orange juice increased. Declining, however, were fruit jams and spreads, flours and mixes, galettes, low-fat yogurt, and sugar.
Kosher and halal
Finally, products certified as conforming to the rules and characteristics required by some religions see an opposite trend.
, meaning certified as conforming to the rules of the Jewish religion, has 1,614 references for 775 million euros in sales, up +0.2 percent annually. Among the fastest growing categories are semolina pasta, pralines and chocolates, extra virgin olive oil, mayonnaise, and coffee beans. Negative trends, on the other hand, for tomato puree, ground coffee and breakfast cereals.
, meaning certified as conforming to the rules of the Islamic religion, appears on 464 products. Sales totaled 215 million euros, up +2.7 percent. Sweet snacks, semolina pasta, frozen ready meals, and gluten-free frozen food were the driving categories.
The beneficial ingredients
Products and beneficial ingredients are multiplying nonstop. The 12,907 products are worth €3.8 billion annually, with sales up +2.5 percent.
Imagine Observatory analyzes the trend of 36 foods, organized into 7 categories.
The super-fruit group has 2,786 products, total origin of more than 774 million euros, +3.6%.
Almond is confirmed first in importance, with 1,272 shelf references and sales of 400 million euros, +2.6 percent. The offerings have expanded, particularly in sweet snacks, pastries and sweet spreads.
Blueberries, recalled mainly in low-fat yoghurt, sweet snacks and fruit drinks, showed a slight decline (-1%). The 777 references sell for more than 207 million euros.
Coconut leads sales by +8 percent (102 million euros), especially with ice cream, cookies and Greek yogurt, whilecoconut water loses -22.9 percent of sales (1.4 million euros from 14 references).
The avocado remains a superstar. The 46 references are worth more than 18 million euros, up 10.5 percent.
The two new superfruits in this edition of the Immagino Observatory are.
– mango, reported on the labels of 227 products developing nearly 43 million euros, up +14.5 percent, particularly for whole yogurt, energy drinks and fish dishes (sushi and tartare),
– cashew nuts is instead recalled in 218 products, dried fruits, ice cream sandwiches, sweet snacks and sweet spreads. Sales are worth 47.5 million euros, up 7.7 percent.
Super cereals and super flours
Overall, the sales performance of super cereals and super flours (2,170 products) gives up -1%. Of the 8 products monitored, only three show an increase in sales (again in value):
– oats, first in importance with 532 references and a turnover of more than 246 million euros, grows +2.9%. Especially good are Uht milk replacers, whole grain/multicereal cookies, and health cookies. In sharp decline, however, were snacks, breakfast cereals, pastries, and supplements,
– Rice flour , on the other hand, is the claim showing the best annual performance, +6.6 percent. Among the 147 products they sell mainly semolina pasta, third beef processing, multipack ice cream, fresh desserts, seed oil, and snacks,
– Cornmeal appears in 100 products on the shelf. Sales up +2.7 percent to over 31 million.
In contrast, the setback is sound for kamut (-14 percent), rice oil (-10.5 percent), quinoa (-7.6 percent), spelt and wheat germ (both at -7.1 percent).
The 514 references that indicate the presence of cane sugar or stevia on the label developed 162 million euros in sales, down -3.9 percent in the mobile year.
Cane sugar
, cited on 371 products, lost 6.8 percent of sales, which stood at more than 122 million. It decreases the purchase of sugar as such and some products that contend with it, such as cookies, snacks, and confectionery.
increases instead sales of the 144 products that contain it, up 5.8 percent to more than 40 million, especially among tea drinks, supplements and sports foods.
The 515 products reporting the presence of seeds on the label increased sales by +2.4 percent, grossing nearly 110 million euros.
Flaxseed, mentioned on 129 shelf references, is starring a brisk growth in sales, +16.8 percent, exceeding 30 million. Rare case, in this edition of the Immagino Observatory, there is also an increase in demand (+5.5 percent).
Hemp marks a +0.5 percent increase in sales. The 54 products that invoke its presence (mainly infusions) are worth more than 3.5 million euros in sales.
Chia seeds is another claim growing sales, +3.6% to over 11 million. Fish main courses and sweet snacks were the most dynamic categories.
Pumpkin seeds are the most representative of the category-164 references for 38 million-but they give up -3.9 percent, with the biggest losses on seeds and rusk.
Sesame seeds saw their turnover decline by -1.2 percent. The 92 products containing them are worth 28.7 million euros. Sandwiches are the category that has suffered the most.
Beneficial spices in bending
Turmeric, ginger and cinnamon collectively lose -9.2 percent in sales. The 888 references-infusions, teas, flavorings, and spices-generated a turnover of 88 million euros. Specifically,
- ginger, the most reported spice on the label (538 products), gives up -8.2 percent, particularly for infusions, teas, bars and chocolate bars.
- turmeric, second largest (236 products), achieved 18.8 million in sales, down 16 percent in value,
- Cinnamon, listed on the label of 173 products, had sales of more than 15 million euros, -6.1 percent.
The four monitored superfoods as a whole lose -7.9 percent in value sales. The 161 products containing them are worth more than 13 million euros.
loses -21.8 percent in value. The 90 products with this label claim made 5.3 million euro sales. In decline especially soy yogurts.
on the other hand, marks a +6.1 percent increase in sales, which amounted to nearly three million euros. Among the most dynamic products are smoothies/shakes.
gains +14.4%. The 23 products on the shelf – smoothies/shakes, gluten-free pasta and fresh juices – containing this portentous microalgae are worth more than 1.8 million euros.
is in just nine references, but it is growing in sweet out-of-sorts, preserved fruits, and fruit drinks. It achieved 2.8 million euros sales, -0.9%.
Traditional ‘beneficial’ ingredients
A new category monitored by Osservatorio Immagino concerns traditional ‘beneficial’ products, that is, 6 foods that are well entrenched in consumption.
. The 2,103 products on which this claim appears developed a turnover of 891 million euros, +2.4 percent. Multipack ice cream, fresh desserts, snacks, and ground coffee in capsules are on the rise.
. Cited on 1,712 products, the claim increases turnover by +4.7 percent to more than 524 million euros. Multipack ice cream, pralines and chocolates, festive eggs and sweet snacks are on the rise.
. For the 1,548 products accompanied by this claim, sales mark 497 million euros, +2.4 percent. The fastest growing categories were tea drinks, carbonated drinks (lemonade, soda and tonic) and popsicles.
. The claim on 798 products increased turnover by +4.4 percent to nearly 328 million euros. Fresh desserts, sports foods, and sweet biscuit-based snacks are very good.
. The recall, on 512 references, soared sales by +11.1 percent to more than 175 million euros. Among the fastest growing products are multipack ice creams (cones and sticks), sweet spreads, dove and Easter eggs.
. Indicated on the packaging of 314 products, it is worth more than 92 million euros in sales, up 14.3 percent. Good traditional cookies, puddings and custards.
. The only claim related to a decrease in sales (-1.8 percent) appears on 511 products, turnover of 163 million. Bad nuts in shells, functional and bicompartmental yogurt, and breakfast cereals.
New trends
The Report also points out four foods/ingredients that are gaining visibility on supermarket shelves.
Peanut butter
trailed a hefty +71.5 percent in value sales to over 13 million euros. Just 24 products mention it. The fastest growing categories are low-fat yogurt, sweet spreads, ice cream in tubs, and protein foods for athletes.
Soybean ‘edamame’
. The 29 products reporting its presence on the label grossed +30.3 percent, totaling eight million euros. Fish-based main courses (sushi), savory snacks (sandwiches), preserved legumes, and ready-to-eat soups are on the rise.
appears on 13 products whose sales increased by +17.9 percent, to 1.5 million. The fastest growing categories are ethnic specialties, vegetable spreads, ready-made sauces and dips, and sauces and pates.
Royal jelly
is the most relevant claim of the group. It appears on 46 products for more than 17 million in sales, down -6 percent. Bad functional yogurts, energy drinks, supplements, and whole yogurt.
Processing method
The reference to the processing method appears on 3,599 products. Among the nine monitored, the most vivid are drawn and unfried.
(bronze). The claim, which attracted the interest of the Antitrust Authority, appears on the labels of 1,229 references (mainly pasta), whose value sales increased by +11.4 percent to more than 242 million euros.
Cold extracted
is the second basket in terms of relevance: 325 references essentially of extra virgin olive oil. Worth over 202 million euros in sales, -3.2 percent.
. The claim appears mostly on beer. Sales of the 150 products thus identified lost -10.2 percent of sales, with a turnover of 133 million euros.
Slow/natural leavening
. It appears on 415 products, which achieved over 126 million euros in sales (-0.1%). Bad are frozen pizzas and pastry ingredients, good are Christmas recurrence products and snacks.
. The 278 references with this indication on the label put up +2.7 percent, to more than 126 million euros in sales. Tuna and ice cream in tubs are the categories where supply growth has been most evident.
. The 260 products in this basket are mainly semolina pasta‘dried at low temperature‘. Sales increased by +3.4 percent to over 105 million euros.
. The claim increases sales by +1.6 percent, approaching 97 million euros. The 694 food products include seafood specialties, fresh stuffed pasta, ready-made meals, and fresh desserts.
Not fried
. It seems to recall the success of air fryers this claim, which for the 360 products in which it appears is worth +10.3 percent of sales, over 95 million euros. Increase the supply of savory and extruded out-of-meals.
. Recalled on 93 products, it is linked to a turnover of more than 63 million euros,+2.3%. The claim appears mainly on seafood specialties, fish-based main courses and cheeses.
The taste of stuffing
Among the 11 claims highlighting thetexture (texture) of the food, filling and soft are associated with better performance.
leads sales at +10.9%, best performance in 11 claims. Used on the packaging of 984 products, it achieved a turnover of 276 million euros. Increased sales for chocolate bars, fresh filled pastries, pralines and chocolates, pastries.
marks +6.7 percent, up to 406 million euros. Top-performing products are soft bread, sandwich bread, panettone, pastries, doves, and sweet snacks.
. Used on 409 products improved sales by +3.6 percent to over 190 million. Major categories include semolina pasta, whole wheat/flour/kamut pasta, and gluten-free pasta.
entail +2.5 percent and +2.6 percent sales, respectively. The former trailed 457 products, mainly Christmas and Easter festivity products, snacks, and sandwich bread. The second (out of 345 products) especially ready-made soups, fresh dumplings, and tomato puree.
Outstandings of negative sign
The other consistency claims are related to negative performance.
is confirmed as the top claim in terms of number of on-shelf references (1,600) and turnover (971 million euros). Sales sag -1.8 percent, mainly for traditional cookies, frozen pizza, frozen breaded fish, savory specialties, breakfast cereals, and potato chips.
, featured in 1,332 products, gives up -4.6 percent of turnover, which is worth 638 million euros. Decreasing traditional cookies, ground coffee, whole yogurt, mascarpone, Uht cream, and crescenza cheese.
(504 products) is stable. They sell nougat, cold cuts, frozen ready meals, and fresh non-filled pasta.
(366 products) falls -3.2 percent, to 200 million euros. Among the most penalized, frozen pizza and fresh non-filled pasta.
(593 products) gives up -5.3 percent in sales stopping at 128 million. Frozen pizza, Christmas baked goods, and sweet snacks are the most affected categories.
(275 products). The turnover related to this claim amounted to 126 million euros, -3% compared to the previous mobile year. Bad wafers, frozen pizza, and extra virgin olive oil. Good substitutes for fresh bread and chips.
Marta Strinati
(1) Imagine Observatory, 2022 edition.2
(2) ILO, International Labour Organization. Global Wage Report 2022-23. The impact of inflation and COVID-19 on wages and purchasing power.—dgreports/—dcomm/—publ/documents/publication/wcms_862572.pdf
Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".