China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey: these are the magnificent ten, the big growth markets, including in “food”-according to Linklaters. The forecast is based on estimates of the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2012 and 2017. The highest values are from superlative China (8.1 percent), the lowest from Turkey (1.6 percent).
The report’s authors justify the “reluctance” of many to consider these extraordinary markets with a hypothetical “increase in risk.” They would do well to read The Growth Map to better understand that the real risks lie rather in the markets that the economists of the last century described as “mature”: phenomena such as stagnation, declining populations and consumption, often muddied by fictitious capital, certainly do not affect emerging countries.
In any case, the index clearly shows that the growth opportunity in emerging markets “cannot be ignored.” The expert pool therefore suggests careful “selection of local partners” and a “cautious but structured penetration strategy.”