The international fame of Perrier mineral water is tinged with red, with a confidential report from the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Occitania ordering Nestlé Waters to close the plant due to the risk of contamination by recurrent viruses. Hepatitis A, norovirus, adenovirus. ‘Unacceptable for a natural mineral water’. (1)
Health authorities confirm the mega-food fraud carried out by Nestlé for 15 years, for having sold (at a high price) as ‘natural mineral’ a water treated with a filtration system that was not only illegal but not even able to guarantee food safety with respect to the serious public health risks identified. (2)
1) Nestlé Waters, 15 years of fraud and one year of lies
The investigation conducted by the Radio France investigation cell together with the newspaper Le Monde revealed in January 2024 the illicit treatments, by Nestlé Waters, of drinkable (but not too much) waters sold as ‘natural mineral waters’ under the brands Perrier, Vittel, Hépar and Contrex. The food mega-fraud appears to have been conducted for at least 15 years and to have brought illicit profits of over 3 billion euros (3,4).
Nestlé Waters, following the scandal, had assured that it had eliminated all its illegal treatments and implemented transformation plans for its factories to put an end to fraud. Also claiming that it had ‘food safety always guaranteed‘ of its products (including through the recall of over 2 million bottles of Perrier water due to fecal contamination). The ARS Occitanie report, however, reveals a different reality.
2) Unacceptable contamination
The regional health authorities have drawn up a report following the unannounced inspection carried out on 30 May 2024 on the orders of the prefect at the Nestlé Perrier plant in Gard. The report, seen by journalists from Radio France and Le Monde, shows that the quality of the water resources is not yet suitable for producing natural mineral water. Which, under the Mineral Waters Directive 2009/54/EC, must be ‘microbiologically healthy‘ and ‘kept free from any risk of pollution‘.
Microbiological contamination ‘unacceptable‘ and ‘unusual for a natural mineral water‘, with ‘water instability‘ and the presence of microorganisms in the raw water, were instead confirmed by the authorities responsible for official controls. Production at one of the factory’s wells had been interrupted in April 2024, following an episode of contamination by pathogenic faecal germs that led to the destruction of three million bottles of Perrier water. The report also refers to another episode of ‘unacceptable and specific bacterial contamination for natural mineral water‘.
3) Illicit water treatments
The ARS report also states that Nestlé Waters – instead of dismantling the illegal treatment plants, as stated (see paragraph 1 above) – would have instead strengthened the microfiltration system of Perrier waters, using filters with very fine mesh (up to 0,2 microns). Which in turn are prohibited, due to their ‘tested’ disinfectant effect.
The Nestlé Group would have then continued the illicit treatments, with microfiltration plants, in an attempt to mitigate the contamination of the spring water of the Gard plant. And continue to market as ‘natural mineral water’ a water made drinkable through treatments not permitted for this type of water. Without however even reaching the objective of food safety.
4) Virus contamination
The microfilters used by Nestlé Waters, according to ARS inspectors, ‘do not have a retentive effect on viruses‘. And even though the inspection had not been ‘recipient of a control plan with detailed information on viruses‘, the authorities have reported a possible ‘virological risk‘ (hepatitis A, adenovirus, norovirus).
This viral risk – already highlighted in the January 2024 survey – ‘appears to have been neglected by the government. Indeed, in August 2021, during a confidential meeting in Bercy, Nestlé admitted to using several banned filters (UV filters, carbon filters, fine-mesh microfilters). The company then asked the government if it was possible to continue using microfilters‘. (1)
5) Risks known to the French government from 2022
The GAS (Inspection Générale des Affaires Sociales), in a report submitted to the French government in July 2022, had explained that the illicit treatment with microfilters could have constituted a ‘false security‘ and ‘expose consumers to a health risk due to the connection with ingestion of viruses‘. (5)
ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire) in turn, in a document dated December 2022, had warned the Paris government about the possible risk of virus contamination of the waters of the Nestlé Waters group, despite the illegal treatments on mineral waters.
The French government then led by Elisabeth Borne, however, ignored the warnings of the health and risk assessment authorities. Deciding – on 22 February 2023, ‘in response to industry demands‘ – to authorize the Swiss Corporation to use non-compliant microfilters.
6) Commission of inquiry, renewal of authorization
‘If this information will be demonstrated, what Nestlé negotiated with the ministers and they secretly validated was not a transformation plan, but a manipulation plan.
It’s illegal on the flat and potentially dangerous for public health due to the virological risk mentioned. We will verify this with the commission of inquiry, as we have the mandate and the power to do so‘, (Alexandre Ouizille, socialist senator and promoter of the commission of inquiry at the Senate of Paris, whose work has just begun).
The prefecture of Gard will now have to decide on the request for renewal of the authorization to operate the ‘Perrier source’ on the Vergèze site to produce natural mineral water, submitted by Nestlé in October 2023. The decision is expected in the first half of 2025, after an opinion from hydrogeologists qualified in public hygiene matters in addition to that of ARS.
7) Foodwatch, the battle for consumer protection continues
Foodwatch France – the most combative consumer association, the only one not to have accepted an out-of-court settlement to settle the shameful affair under examination with a plea bargain (5) – continues its battle for the protection of consumers and citizens.
A report by ANSES had already highlighted the high concentrations of contaminants in water (PFAS, pesticides, fecal matter, Escherichia coli, etc.). ‘European regulations are clear, it is forbidden to expose consumers to a potential health risk‘, vibrates Ingrid Kragl of Foodwatch.
‘The time has come to stop the distribution of these non-compliant products, inform consumers (as the European Commission’s audit report criticises the lack of transparency) and appoint an investigating judge to open an investigation into the complaint of Foodwatch France‘.
Dario Dongo
(1) Investigation Cells of Radio France, Marie Dupin. Eaux minerals naturelles Perrier : le rapport qui accuse le groupe Nestlé. France info. 16.12.24
(2) Dario Dongo. Nestlé, 15 years of fraud on French mineral water. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(3) Stéphane Foucart. Revealed: France’s bottled water plants widely used fraudulent purifying techniques. Le Monde. 30.1.24
(4) Investigation Cells of Radio France, Marie Dupin. Plusieurs producedeurs d’eau in bouteille ilfiltré illégalement leur eau pour masquer une contamination. France info. 30.1.24
(5) The IGAS report to the French government cited the example of a gastroenteritis epidemic in April 2016 in Catalonia, which affected over 4.000 people and caused six hospital admissions, following contamination by a pathogenic virus of (drinking) water treated with microfiltration.
(6) Dario Dongo, Marta Strinati. Mineral Water Fraud, Nestlé Waters Settles. FT (Food Times). September 12, 2024
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.