Camel milk, a supply of probiotics allied to health

A recently published scientific study has identified certain strains of probiotic lactic acid bacteria in camel milk that are of appreciable value to consumer health. (1)

Camel milk, trad-innovation

Camel milk is a superfood of great interest, nutritionally but also for its ability to contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system and the reduction of risk factors for some serious diseases (e.g., diabetes). In addition to being an excellent substitute for breast milk. With this in mind, among other things, the Camel Milk research project was initiated in the PRIMA Euro-Pacific-Mediterranean partnership program, in which we are honored to participate. (2)

The study under review, conducted in India, allowed the isolation and selection in camel milk of three strains of LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) of species Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus lactis e Lactobacillus plantarum, which were tested to evaluate their prebiotic properties and technological aptitude for the production of fermented products. Isolation has been made from traditional Indian breeds (Mewari, Bikaneri, Kachchi and Jaisalmeri), whose names are derived from their regions of origin.

Characterization of samples

Analysis of milk samples confirmed the excellent characteristics of this superfood. The results, in summary.

Fats: consist mainly of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Protein: absence of β-lactoglobulin (allergenic whey protein), which promotes substitution to breast milk, high presence of α-lactalbumin and β-casein, useful for milk processing, and, most importantly, immunoglobulins useful for improving the immune system and reducing allergic reactions.

Vitamins: rich in Vitamin C, which facilitates lowering of pH in the gastrointestinal tract and absorption of nutrients.

Minerals: rich in Calcium, Iron and Zinc. The latter is also involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

The isolated LAB species were first identified by genus and then by species. They are also generally very abundant in cow’s and goat’s milk, and their distribution in the population appears to be related to the environment (both where the animals work and stay), nutrition, and milk processing practices. (3)

Functional properties of probiotics

The main characteristics required in probiotics, for their optimal function, were analyzed in the isolated LAB strains. Specifically, the following were measured:

Tolerance to acidic environments: such as that of the stomach. All showed good growth at pH 3, but the E. lactis and L. plantarum strains were able to tolerate even pH 2 values, an excellent requirement for probiotics; (4)

tolerance and hydrolysis of bile salts: important, because otherwise they adhere to the lipid membranes of the probiotics, leading to their rupture and death of the probiotics (5). E. lactis and L. plantarum withstood concentrations as low as 0.3% and were able to hydrolyze these salts, showing an ability to reduce cholesterol accumulation;

Antimicrobial and antitumor activity: all strains showed the ability to produce substances with antimicrobial action (bacteriocins and organic acids), which are specific against the growth of pathogenic bacteria and can also be used as food preservatives. Its antitumor action is related to its ability to adhere and persist on the intestinal epithelium, due to which it can compete with and prevent the adhesion of cancer cell lines such as Caco-2 or various enteropathogens;

safety of probiotics: was assessed through red blood cell hemolytic activity and by the production of biogenic amines. All strains were found to be free of these activities and were, therefore, safe.

These results allowed LAB strains of the three species analyzed to be identified as safe and made them suitable candidates for use as probiotics and as starter cultures for food production, whose technological aptitude needed to be evaluated.

Technological properties of LABs

Probiotic curds were prepared, evaluated for their organoleptic attributes (e.g., color, appearance, texture, taste, odor) and compared with a control. The products obtained with L. lactis and L. plantarum strains were better in this respect due to the production of aromatic compounds and organic acids that contributed to the characterization of the fermented products obtained.

During the trial, all strains showed good technological aptitude especially in reducing syneresis (serum loss). Along with their organoleptic characterization, they have also proved valuable as starter cultures for the production of excellent fermented milks, distinguished by distinctive and original sensory characteristics, favorably acceptable to consumers.

Interim conclusions

Camel milk and some specific strains of three LAB species have proven to be excellent probiotics, which can also be used in the production of processed foods that have important sensory and also probiotic characteristics, useful for human and probably infant feeding. In this way, the market for these kinds of products can be fostered and better food and economic livelihoods in the neediest countries and new opportunities in our markets can be ensured.

These results go to support the Camel Milk project, which is almost into its second year along with World Milk Day, which is celebrated on June 1. A project that WIISE Srl, with its FARE division, is working on concurrently with the ProFuture project to promote the production of good, safe, high nutritional and health-impact foods available to all.

Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna


(1) Sharma et al. (2021) Indentification and probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria from camel milk. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28:1622-1632,

(2) Dario Dongo. Camel Milk, superfood. Mediterranean research project. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade) 02.06.2019,

(3) Tormo et al. (2015). Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from raw goat milk and effect of farming practices on the dominant species of lactic acid bacteria. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 210:9–15,

(4) Das et al. (2016). In Vitro probiotic characterization of Lactobacillus casei isolated from marine samples. LWT – Food Sci. Technol. 73:383–390,

(5) Choi et al. (2015). Cholesterol-lowering effects of a putative probiotic strain L. plantarum isolated from kimchi. LWT – Food Sci. Technol. 62:210–217,

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in Food Technologies and Biotechnologies, qualified food technologist, he follows the research and development area. With particular regard to European research projects (in Horizon 2020, PRIMA) where the FARE division of WIISE Srl, a benefit company, participates.