Correlations between diet, the immune system, inflammation and viral infections are the subject of the scientific study published in the ‘International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,’ thanks to a collaboration between the University of Milan Bicocca and Égalité Onlus. (1)
A wide-ranging scientific review allows the link between nutrition, the immune system, and the gut microbiota to be evaluated. With the goal of promoting healthy nutrition appropriate to the needs that Covid-19 highlighted. And special attention to the elderly as the most vulnerable group.
Lifestyle, inflammation and infection risks
Overweight and obesity, unbalanced diets (particularly due to ultra-processed foods with excessive intakes of saturated fat, sugar and/or salt) and unhealthy lifestyles-physical inactivity, stress and exposure to harmful environments (e.g., pollution, cigarette smoke)-are correlated with chronic low-grade inflammation (so-called. inflammaging or LGI, low grade inflammation). With possible long-term onset of chronic degenerative diseases.
Increased LGI is in turn associated with increased exposure to the risk of infections of various kinds, including Covid-19 infection. In this case, individuals with chronic low-grade inflammation, such as the elderly and other vulnerable individuals are at greater risk of the so-called ‘inflammatory storm.’ A balanced immune response is conversely a function of optimal nutritional status, as science has amply demonstrated and the mainstream media persists in ignoring. Prevention therefore begins at the table and in daily life.
Vitamins for the immune system
Deficiencies and low micronutrient intakes recur in the elderly and children and may increase the risk of infectious diseases. Correcting these deficiencies can help restore the proper functioning of the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to infection.
Vitamins play a crucial role in stimulating the immune system. In particular:
– vitamin D. Its deficiency is quite widespread in Mediterranean countries. It can stimulate immune responses and reduce the risk of infection, in general. It has been shown to be useful in mitigating the effects of Covid-19, although the evidence to date merits further investigation, (2)
– vitamin C. It intervenes in the reduction and duration of upper respiratory tract infections and is a very active antioxidant to reduce ROS (reactive oxygen species) produced by immune cells to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, its protective function against Covid-19 is hypothesized, still awaiting clinical studies, (3)
– vitamin A. Essential to ensure the functionality and integrity of immune cells,
– vitamin E. It protects cell membranes and promotes immune cell activity,
– vitamins B6, B9, B12. They regulate inflammatory states and are active in the production of antibodies and lymphocytes, as well as preserving the innate immune system.
Minerals, amino acids, Omega 3 and polyphenols
The most important minerals for antioxidant activity and modulation of immune responses are iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. Then there are two amino acids, glutamine and arginine, which play a key role in activating immune responses.
Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, promote the resolution of inflammation (in addition to providing important health benefits). Polyphenols-which plants, fruits and derivatives (e.g., extra virgin olive oil)-in turn exert an effective anti-inflammatory receptor action. (4)
Prebiotics, probiotics and the immune system
The gut microbiota, also known as the ‘second brain,’ can come to be regarded as the pivot of immune reactions. Its balance (so-called intestinal eubiosis) is in fact due to:
– Modulation of the immune system and responsible agents (e.g., cytokines, lymphocytes),
– Reduction in the occurrence of intolerances and allergies,
– Maintenance of energy homeostasis by production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and modulation of body weight,
– bi-directional modulation of the brain-gut axis (thus explaining the correlation between mood and digestive problems),
– Functionality of organs and systems. (5)
Microbiota, health strategies
The variety and quantity of health-allied microorganisms in the microbiota can be promoted through:
– Dietary intake of prebiotic fibers found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains (MAC, Microbiota Accessible Carbohydrates),
– contributions of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds, which in turn positively modulate the microbiota,
– Consumption of organic food, as it can provide greater quantities and variety of health-promoting microorganisms, (6)
– Regular exercise and rest,
– Dietary supplementation with probiotics. Live and viable microorganisms, in the right doses and timing, regulate the function of the body. They are also present in some fermented products (e.g., yogurt, kefir). (7)
Focus on the third age
Advancing age is accompanied by the chronic condition of low-intensityinflammation (LGI), which can progressively lead to frailty in the elderly. Inadequate nutrition and sedentary lifestyle are the two primary risk factors. Immunosenescence in turn exposes the elderly to a greater likelihood of becoming ill.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the diet, which must include all macro- and micronutrients. (8) To generally meet these requirements, it is important to frequently vary foods in the diet by including both animal and plant foods. The latter are rich in phytocompounds useful in promoting better individual health.
Third age, nutritional recommendations
The diet of older children must consider a greater need for protein, to maintain integrity and efficiency of the organs and muscular system. And the decreased absorption capacities of vitamins (K, B6, B12 and D primarily) and minerals, also due to taking medications. Reducing salt/sodium intake is recommended to mitigate the risks of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. And to ensure adequate inputs from, among others:
– zinc. Valuable ally of immune system and bone metabolism, corroborates behavioral and mental functions, (9)
– iron. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. It is recommended that it be taken along with sources of vitamin C to promote its absorption. Vitamins B9 and B12 are also helpful in preventing anemia,
– soccer. Its requirement is higher because of bone demineralization. Multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplements have also proven useful in the over-55s to strengthen the immune system. (10)
For further discussion of the topics covered, please refer to ‘
Volume I – People
‘ of our trilogy ‘Covid-19, the ABC‘s’. It was in the process of writing the aforementioned ebook that the research mentioned here began, thanks to friends Paola Palestini, Carlotta Suardi and Emanuela Cazzaniga.
Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna
(1) Carlotta Suardi, Emanuela Cazzaniga, Stephanie Graci, Dario Dongo, Paola Palestini (2021). Links between viral infections, immune system, inflammation and diet. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18:2455,
(2) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna (2020) Vitamin D, immune system, and Covid-19. New scientific evidence. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(3) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna (2020). The potential of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(4) Dario Dongo, Salvatore Parisi (2020). Polyphenols and health. Immune system friendly vegetables. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(5) Paola Palestini, Dario Dongo (2019). Microbiome and gut, the second brain. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(6) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna (2020). Organic foods and the immune system, scientific evidence. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(7) Dario Dongo, Carlotta Suardi (2020). Prebiotics and probiotics, microbiome and immune system. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(8) Paola Palestini, Dario Dongo (2020). Coronavirus and infections, how to strengthen the defenses of the over-65s with a good diet. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),
(9) Meunier, N., O’Connor, J., Maiani, G. et al. (2005). Importance of zinc in the elderly: the ZENITH study. Eur J Clin Nutr 59, S1-S4.
(10) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna (2020). Over-55, strengthen the immune system with vitamin and mineral supplements. Study. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade),