EU, cellulose in cheese-like spreads

cellulose in cheese like spreads

The European Commission, with Regulation (EU) 2024/2608, introduces the possibility of using cellulose powder and Glucono-δ-lactone in cheese-like spreads, renamed ‘unripened soft cheese products’. (1)

1) Cellulose and Glucono-δ-lactone

Food Additives Regulation (EC) No 1333/08 already allowed the use of cellulose and Glucono-δ-lactone – in dairy products other than cheese, cottage cheese, processed cheese, desserts – under the following conditions – cellulose powder, E 460(ii), quantum satis only on ‘unripened and ripened grated and sliced products’; -glucono-δ-lactone(E 575), quantum satis, only on ‘ripened products’. (2)

– cellulose powder, E 460(ii), quantum satis only on ‘unseasoned products and grated and sliced ​​seasoned products’;

– glucono-δ-lactone (E 575), quantum satis, only on ‘Seasoned products’. (2)

2) Soft cheese-like products

Regulation (EU) 2024/2608, it actually introduces a new category of foods, giving them a name – the ‘unripened spreadable soft cheese products’ – which unduly recalls cheeses.

The cheese-like ones in question are therefore:

– milk coagulated by direct acidification, without separation of whey, thickened to a creamy consistency by the addition of cellulose

– intended to become a cheap substitute for real fresh spreadable cheeses such as goat’s cheese and quark.

3) European Deception

The European executive thus seems to have carried out the orders of some Corporationwhich aims to sell as ‘soft cheese product’ a milk thickened with wood fibers.

The deception is blatant, since the adjective ‘caseario’ – from the late Latin ‘casearĭu(m)’ – derives from ‘casĕus’, that is ‘cacio’, cheese, which no one has ever associated with wood derivatives.

4) Green hoax

The hoax is that the cheese-like product will also be sold as more sustainable than authentic cheeses. In fact, it is stated in recital 5 of the regulation that the use of both additives

‘therefore increases the efficiency of the production process, with less expenditure in terms of raw materials, energy and time’.

5) What protections?

The associations representing farmers, breeders, producers of real cheese and consumers should fight for the cancellation of this regulation.

The EU Court of Justice– which has already ruled on the ban of ‘cheese sounding’ (3) – should not allow the adjective ‘caseario’ on ‘milk with sawdust’.

In the meantime, consumers should look carefully at the labels of the various milk products. (4) E 460 = cellulose, no thanks.

Dario Dongo


(1) Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2608 of 7 October 2024 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of powdered cellulose (E 460(ii)) and glucono-delta-lactone (E 575) in unripened soft spreadable cheese products

(2) Regulation (EC) 1333/08, Annex II, Part E, food category 01.7.6

(3) Dario Dongo. ‘Cheese sounding’, the EU Court of Justice confirms the ban. FARE (Food and Agriculture Requirements). 15.6.17

(4) Marta Strinati. Frùttolo and other milk snacks, 10 products compared. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.