European Commission, research confirms NutriScore approach.


The European Commission’sJoint Research Center(JRC) has updated its scientific review of syntheticfront-of-pack nutrition labeling(FOPNL) systems on prepackaged foods to confirm the validity of the approach taken in the NutriScore system. (1)

1) Summary nutrition labeling on the front of packages, FOPNL. Foreword

Member states may recommend to food business operators the use of one or more additional forms of expression or presentation of the nutrition declaration that they believe best meet the requirements‘ of

  • scientific substantiation and not misleading consumers about the essential characteristics of foods,
  • After consultation with consumers and other relevant social partners(stakeholders),
  • Facilitation of consumer understanding of the contribution or importance of (individual) foods ‘tothe energy and nutrient intake of a diet
  • demonstration ‘that the average consumer understands such forms of expression or presentation.’
  • Use of the reference assumptions in Annex XIII of reg. EU 1169/11,
  • objectivity, non-discrimination, absence of obstacles to the free movement of goods (EU reg. 1169/11, Art. 35(1) and (2)).

1.1) FOPNL, the role of the European Commission.

The European legislature, in the Food Information Regulation, delegated the Commission to:

  • Collect data from member states on forms of nutrition labeling on the front of food packages (FOPNL),
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different systems, in relation to the goal of improving the nutritional security of populations and thus
  • To help reduce the serious social burden, as well as the impact on health care costs, of noncommunicable diseases related to unbalanced diets through the
  • Establishment of a harmonized nutrition labeling system on the label front, to be applied at the EU level.

1.2) Reg. EU 1169/11, the delegation

By December 13, 2017., in light of the experience gained, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council

  • On the use of additional forms of expression and presentation,
  • on their effect on the internal market and whether these forms of expression and presentation should be further harmonized. (…)

The Commission may accompany this report with proposals to amend the relevant Union provisions‘ (EU Reg. 1169/11, Art. 35.5).

2) Work in progress

The European Commission is carrying out the above work, as noted. (2) Thanks to scientific contributions from JRC-which had already spoken out in 2020 with the now updated report-and EFSA(European Food Safety Authority, 2022). (3) In addition to holding a public consultation, which ended on 7.3.22. (4)

The Joint Research Center (JRC), in the publication under review, confirmed the scientific reviews already shared. (5) To reaffirm, first and foremost, that FOPNL systems must:

  • Drawing the attention of consumers, (6)
  • be understandable (as opposed to the Italic NutrInform), (7)
  • Have impact on various socio-economic groups, purchasing and health,
  • Stimulate the reformulation of food products,
  • be unique.

3) European Commission, the new research

New research by JRC, European Commission, updates the scientific review on the effectiveness of different front-of-pack nutrition labeling (FOPNL) schemes against the above objectives. Considering scientific studies published since 1990, including under the perspectives of:

  • Reference quantity (100 g/ml v. portion/consumption unit),
  • compulsoriness v. voluntariness,
  • Combined presence of multiple FOPNLs,
  • Ultra-processed and non-processed foods (e.g., traditional products, PDOs) compared.

3.1) Scientific Review

The scientific review considered 2,450 studies to select 275. Research on these issues has increased significantly, including on the most modern nutrition labeling systems (e.g., NutriScore). With attention also paid to individual susceptibilities and the multiple factorial interactions, which may influence the choices of the consumer-typical, and the various categories of consumers.

3.2) Attention and color

Grasping a consumer’s attention is essential to convey information:

  • in general terms, consumers highly value FOPNL systems because they are more visible and easier to understand than nutrition statements placed on the back label,
  • colors are an ideal tool because they allow news to be learned at a glance, without forcing the reader into the mental processes instead required to decipher monochromatic directions, which discourage reading.

3.3) FOPNL comparison.

Warning labels seem to be the most effective in discouraging the purchase of the least healthy foods, since they indicate the least healthy choices (and not the healthiest ones), and are effective on a specific type of food.

Nutri-Score, and other systems (e.g., Multiple Traffic Lights, Health Star Rating), on the other hand, are also effective in encouraging purchases of more balanced foods. Reference Intakes(Reference Intakes, formerly known as GDAs, Guideline Daily Amounts) logos have lower efficacy.

3.4) Impacts on purchasing choices.

Laboratory and online experimental studies show strong efficacy of systems with color, with favorable impact on the nutritional quality of food choices made. Especially in individuals motivated to feed themselves better.

Real-life experiments have seen less impact, partly due to other factors (e.g., price, promotions) that in turn influence consumer choices and some of their categories in particular.

3.5) Compulsoriness

The ability of FOPNL systems to influence consumers’ understanding, choices, and virtuous behaviors lead one to consider it worthwhile to provide for their mandatory use.

The effectiveness of these systems is also greater when they do not overlap. And it is therefore preferable, for example, to addReference Intakes(Reference Intakes) to the NutriScore.

3.6) 100 g/ml v. portions

Referring the nutritional values of a food to multiple units (e.g., 100 g/ml and portion) can complicate its reading and confuse consumers. Many studies thus report that:

  • consumers tend to be confused when, with multiple portions, information is referred to a single portion,
  • data referring to small portions lead consumers to underestimate energy (kcal) and other nutrient intakes.

3.7) Ultra-processed foods.

The level of food processing is considered important in identifying ultra-processed foods that in many cases qualify as junk food (HFSS, High in Fats, Sugar and Sodium).

Precisely for this reason NutriScore recently introduced a sign-the black outline around the NutriScore logo, with the words ‘ultra-processed food.’ In line with scientific recommendations.

4) NutriScore, controversial love.

The NutriScore is the most beloved system among Italian consumers, several million of whom use it every day to choose foods to buy through the Yuka app, which has in fact been extraordinarily successful in the Bel Paese. But this love is thwarted by Ferrero and Coldiretti, who command politics and the media instead.

This system gives each food a score (from -15 to +40) and thus classifies each food into five categories, identified by a letter (A to E) and a color (green to orange). The score is derived by applying an algorithm that considers positive nutritional factors as well as negative ones. And it is subject to periodic updates, on a shared scientific basis. (9)

5) Interim Conclusions

The Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission provided a substantially favorable opinion on various FOPNL systems, noting that:

  • Interpretive and colorful nutritional information is more effective, due to its ease of reading and immediate comprehensibility, than
  • reductive (e.g., Reference Intakes) and monochromatic indications, as well as those redundant with numbers (e.g., Multiple Traffic Lights).

The NutriScore system has all the characteristics to come favored over others. All the more so since this system has been effectively applied by the governments of seven European countries–including 3 of the 4 leaders in agrifood production (Germany, France, Spain)–where food culture is by no means neglected.

Thus, the need to move in this direction is reaffirmed, in the primary interest of citizens and the protection of public health. (10) The petition in favor of NutriScore remains pending as many subscriptions as possible, at the link

#SDG3, Ensure health and well-being.

Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna


(1) Nohlen et al. (2022). Front-of-pack nutritional labelling scheme: an update of the evidence – Addendum to the JRC Science Policy report “Front-of-pack nutrition labelling schemes: a comprehensive review,” published in 2020. JRC Science for Policy Report,
(2) Dario Dongo. NutriScore and nutritional profiles, updates from Brussels. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 10.05.21
(3) Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Improving diet and public health with useful label news. EFSA opinion on nutrient profiles. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 23.04.22
(4) Dario Dongo. Reform reg. EU 1169/11, public consultation. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 16.1.22
(5) Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. How to solve the nutritional conundrum? News on the label front, review and outlook. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 29.12.20
(6) For example, the effectiveness of recall offered by warning labels used in Central America and Canada has been demonstrated. V. Dario Dongo. Canada, label warnings on saturated fat, sugar and salt. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 16.7.22
(7) Dario Dongo. NutrInform Battery, the battery label. An Italian disgrace. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 10.11.20
(8) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, signal on ultra-processed foods is added. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 21.12.21
(9) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, evolution of the science-based algorithm. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 1.8.22
(10) Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. NutriScore, consumer health prevails over agribusiness lobby. Petition and insights. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 18.5.22

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in Food Technologies and Biotechnologies, qualified food technologist, he follows the research and development area. With particular regard to European research projects (in Horizon 2020, PRIMA) where the FARE division of WIISE Srl, a benefit company, participates.