Extra virgin olive oil, the natural cosmetic for moisturized and supple skin


Beneficial to health when consumed daily, extra virgin olive oil also has extraordinary properties useful in maintaining hydrated and elastic skin. Credit is due to the composition of this precious gift of nature. A natural cosmetic with no contraindications.

Skin friendly

The oleic triglycerides and phytosterols in extra virgin olive oil are fats that mix with the skin’s natural sebum, protecting it and making it soft. Contributing to the oil’s cosmetic action is the presence of vitamin E, polyphenols, omega-3 and omega-6, vitamin A and carotenoids. An antioxidant and elasticizing mix, also an excellent remedy for preventing stretch marks and resolving newly formed ones.

Pandolea’s advice

Devoting an in-depth look at the usefulness of olive oil for skin during pregnancy is Diana Malcangi, Pandolea cosmetologist. The expert from the association of women involved in promoting the culture of extra virgin olive oil-in a special published in Teatro Naturale-recommends using the oil during gestation as a cosmetic on breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, performing a circular massage twice a day.

With this simple expedient, says the expert, one can accompany the epidermis stressed by the growth of the baby bump, which as gestation progresses is increasingly “stretched” and becomes thin and fragile. The result will be a hydrated, nourished, velvety body that is less prone to the onset of unsightly streaking and skin sagging. And without any exposure to the risks related to industrial cosmetics, which are rich in preservatives, emulsifiers and other ingredients that can become vehicles for endocrine disruptors, allergenic or otherwise undesirable molecules due to suspected toxicity.

Even after childbirth, extra virgin olive oil is a valuable ally. Studies conducted in 2012 on 300 new mothers at the polyclinic in Cienfuegos, Cuba, showed that applying a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to the sucking areas after breastfeeding reduced the formation of fissures. A nice remedy, free of contraindications.

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