Feeding well with little money. The advice of 1repas1euro


Feeding well on little money-a necessity looming over millions of families in Europe, where inflation is now close to double digits-is the mission pursued by 22-year-old Marina Sba on the successful French blog 1repas1euro.

Not only recipes but mostly advice on how to reconcile the demands of a varied and balanced diet with financial constraints. Good food for thought ahead of the great geopolitical and seasonal cold weather ahead.

1repas1euro, feeding well with little money

The young blogger’s tips for eating well on little money are now followed by many French people through social media and her website. In fact, they offer a savings scheme and weekly cost-controlled menus.

The goal of spending only one euro per meal applies only to vegans, let’s be clear. Omnivores have to put in more outlay to secure good quality meat, fish and cheese. The approach is in any case useful to all.

1 – Schedule weekly meals.

The first and most important tip is to have a clear weekly meal plan. This makes it possible to keep track of the list of staple foods to be purchased and avoids ‘straggling’ shopping. No yielding to ultra-processed food offerings with excessive fat, sugar and salt contents, as well as a slew of often problematic food additives. The freezer helps to take advantage of discounts on high-quality foods.

Proceeding according to planned menus is also a great way to eat well and with balance, alternating the various nutrient sources. In line with the food pyramid based on the Mediterranean diet, which we had already referred to in our tips for a weekly supply, also in a Veg version for vegetarians and vegans.

2 – Organic fruits and vegetables, straight from the farmer

Fresh, unprocessed foods-fruits and vegetables-cost less and last longer when purchased directly from the farm. Short supply chain and organic, to consume food free of pesticide residues but also to help protect soil, air, water and biodiversity.

A compromise on supplier distance is necessary to purchase organic oranges harvested in the South. Among other things, the lockdown experience has provided opportunities for many small farmers to organize home deliveries.

3 – Never go shopping if you have an appetite

The feeling of hunger is the worst advisor in food purchases. It drives overbuying, with sagging toward nutritionally unbalanced foods.

Therefore, it is suggested to shop with a cool mind and a full belly, with a view to more judicious purchases consistent with actual needs.

4 – Move to private labels

The distributor brand(private label) costs less but is often equal to, when not better than, the more famous and advertised industrial brands.

When choosing a supplier for the first time, it is useful to compare labels or make use of comparative tests conducted by independent, nonprofit organizations. Most useful for the purpose is the Yuka app, which we have written about extensively.

5 – Simmering

Simmering, for foods that require heat treatment, is always recommended for two very good reasons:

  • moderate temperatures better preserve micronutrients and prevent the formation of harmful substances (e.g., acrylamide),
  • gas consumption, the costs of which have skyrocketed as a result of the ongoing tragic conflict, is reduced.
Marta Strinati
+ posts

Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".