Fresh eggs or extra?


Fresh eggs or extra? What are the differences, what is best to choose, and why?

If this is an egg

First and foremost, the choice of eggs mustbe guided by respect for nature and animal welfare. Therefore, organic eggs are the absolute best choice.

When organic eggs are not available, we still choose eggs from free-range hens, rejecting the idea that laying hens may instead be forced into cramped cages.

Egg freshness is an additional criterion of choice, which in the case of packaged product expresses the time elapsed from laying to packing.

Fresh or ‘extra’

Based on freshness, eggs are classified as:

– ‘
‘ o ‘
extra fresh
if packed within 3 days of laying. After 7 days from packing, in any case, demotion is triggered. No longer ‘extra‘ but simply ‘fresh‘,

– ‘
if packaged within 10 days of deposition.

The words ‘
laid on …
is optional information, reserved only for eggs packed on the same day of laying.

However, the durability of the egg (‘to be consumed preferably by…’) cannot exceed 28 days after laying. (1)

Proof of freshness, the bubble in the egg

If in doubt about the freshness of an egg, just do a simple test. Dissolve 10 g of salt in 100 ml of water and dip the egg in it. Which:

– If it goes down it is very fresh,

– If it is placed in the middle, upright position, it is less than a week old,

– If it floats horizontally it should be thrown.

This freshness test actually measures the air bubble inside the shell. As days pass, the bubble increases in size and the egg floats.

Marta Strinati

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".