Induction hobs, enemies of the pacemaker?

piani cottura a induzione

Induction cooktops are supplanting gas and glass-ceramic stoves, but they pose questions about their danger to people with pacemakers, who are sensitive to stray magnetic fields and leakage currents produced by these appliances.

Induction cooktops, pros and cons

In induction cooktops, the heat for cooking food is produced by a coil powered by electricity that generates a magnetic field useful for directly heating only the pot.

The mechanism described generates some advantages in the use of these appliances:

ENERGY SAVING. The thermal efficiency is 90%, compared with 40-45% for the gas stove, which gives up most of the heat to the room, and the similar percentage typical of radiant tops,

SAFETY OF USE. Compared with traditional fires, risks related to flame and gas leakage are zeroed out. In addition, induction hobs heat up only in the part below the pan due to the heat transmitted from the pan. Obviously, the pot in turn gives up heat to the surface on which it rests,

cleaning. Whereas in traditional gas cookers, cleaning is complicated by burners, flame spreaders and grates, induction cooktops have a flat, smooth surface that is very easy to clean.

The disadvantages of induction

So many pros must also be considered in light of the cons. In general, the most common disadvantages related to induction cooktops include.

purchase price. Although reduced with the spread of these appliances, the price remains higher than gas fires. Switching to induction also involves purchasing suitable cookware made of ferromagnetic material,

noise. Both the hum produced during operation and the noise of the fan that remains running after shutdown could be annoying,

energy consumption. Despite steep gas price increases, electricity remains more expensive, and for the same kw, the expense of induction cooking is about one-third higher. Moreover, operating the entire cooktop at high power may require a supply contract beyond the ordinary 3 kw typical for households.

What risks for pacemaker wearers?

For people with pacemakers, however, the primary disadvantage is the doubt that induction cooktops pose risks of heart implant malfunction.

The possibility has been studied (little), without reaching unambiguous evidence.

Manufacturers of these appliances take cover by including a warning in the instruction booklet. For example, Miele reports:

Warning for persons with pacemakers: be aware that an electromagnetic field is generated in the immediate vicinity of the operating device. The possibility of pacemaker function being affected is very remote. If in doubt, contact the pacemaker manufacturer or your physician‘.

No doubt, however, for other devices:

‘The electromagnetic field of the lit plane can affect the operation of objects subject to magnetization. Do not keep credit cards, memory devices, calculators’ in the immediate vicinity of the cooktop.

The case of the unipolar pacemaker on the left side

In contrast, a net evidence of risk in the use of induction plans by pacemaker wearers is reported by a 2003 study (Irnich W, Bernstein AD.) published in Europace, the official organ of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Heart Rhythm Association, published by Oxford University Press. (1)

According to the researchers, ‘patients are at risk if the implant is unipolar and on the left side, if they are as close as possible to the induction cooktop, and if the pan is not concentric with the induction coil .

Unipolar pacing systems can detect theinterference generated by leakage currents if the patient touches the pot for a long period of time. The most likely response to interference is to switch to an asynchronous interference mode. Patients with unipolar pacemakers are at risk only if they are not pacemaker-dependent’.

What precautions

For people with unipolar sensing pulse generators who want to cook with an induction cooktop, researchers provide the following advice:

– Maintain a distance of 35 cm, the length of your forearm, from the cooktop and do not lean forward,

– Place the pans concentrically to the induction coils,

Do not touch pans on the cooktop for a long time or use metal utensils.

In the event that you have not yet purchased an induction cooktop, we would add, it is worth weighing carefully whether to do so.

Marta Strinati


(1) Irnich W, Bernstein AD. Do induction cooktops interfere with cardiac pacemakers? Europace. 2006 May;8(5):377-84. doi: 10.1093/europace/eul014. Epub 2006 Mar 23. PMID: 16635999.

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".