Liberté only in words, even in France it is censorship


In France, liberté has shrunk. Two organizations were convicted of defamation with staggering penalties. Their fault? Inform consumers about the presence of problematic substances in certain foods.

Inconvenient truths, which the manufacturers’ lobbies claim to conceal with intimidation, lawsuits and compensation suits. A new form of censorship, in France as already in Italy, now also in Germany.

Yuka impressed by French sausage makers

Highlighting the presence of nitrites and nitrates in meat and revealing its health risks has cost the app Yuka three convictions in as many French administrative courts. After the first attack, which we had reported on, the young founding team from the app downloaded by 2 million Italians in just one year was met with two more convictions.

Always attacking Yuka is the Frenchcharcuterie lobby(Fédération des entreprises françaises de charcuterie-traiteur – FICT). Their argument is that nitrites and nitrates are permitted in Europe and it is therefore disparaging to point out that their intake may increase the risk of cancer. Although authoritative scientific studies have come to these conclusions, and even therefore in the EU, the limits of nitrite use in food are being reevaluated, as noted.

The wealthy sausage industry has an easy game against the small startup that runs Yuka. Every court action carries the burdens of legal fees and the risks of having to advance additional disbursements in cases of conviction. Until freedom of expression is recognized in the next levels of justice, including at the European Court of Human Rights if necessary. Yuka’s founders thus launched a collection, raising more than 360,000 euros in just a few days. An achievement that‘reflects the great support of the French people for the project,’ Yuka’s Tamara Linder tells us.

Bordeaux wines with pesticides

Another case of censorship in France persecutes Alerte aux Toxiques, an organization that fights against pesticide spraying, and its spokeswoman Valérie Murat. The activists’ ‘fault’ is the publication of a test of 22 HVE-certified wines,
Haute Valeur Environnementale.
All of which were found to be contaminated with pesticide cocktails, averaging 8 agrotoxins each, albeit within legal limits.

According to Bordeaux Winegrowers Association (CIVB) and two dozen other plaintiffs, the revelation would damage the image of Bordeaux wines. An absurd argument, nevertheless accepted by the Libourne court, which in February 2021 ordered the association and its spokesperson Valérie Murat to pay 150,000 euros.

The appeal immediately filed by Valérie Murat is adjudicated on 10/13/21. And the vinai argue that it cannot be upheld because those convicted have not paid damages. The association is supported by some 40 NGOs and several political leaders, including Confédération paysanne de Gironde and the political formation Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) Gironde.

Germany and the palmocrats

NGO censorship also comes down in Germany. In this case, a court in Hamburg is dealing with a case of Papuan rainforest destruction. The defendant is not Korindo, the company responsible, but the NGO Save the Forest, which has documented with photos, videos, and testimony the damage caused by Korindo Group’s Indonesian company Kenertec.

‘This is a typical case of SLAPP lawsuits, corporations and powerful individuals abusing European courts to persecute activists, environmentalists and journalists,’ denounces the NGO, which recalls‘The murdered journalist in Malta, Daphne Caruana Galizia, had 47 cases pending against her at the time of her death by murder.

To prevent this kind of censorship, Save the Forest is promoting the petition addressed to the European Commission,‘Let’s stop the processes that generate abuse.

Censorship Made in Italy

Under the tricolor is no better. Clamorous is the case of the
Umweltinstitut München
harassed legally for its criticism of pesticides in apple plantations in South Tyrol.

The flavor of censorship has also tried to reach this site. The #VanghePulite investigation led by Dario Dongo has already yielded four lawsuits in 2021 alone. (1)

Exposing inconvenient facts, rather than repeating the Voice of the Master, has its costs. We remain True to the Line, as always. But it is worth mentioning that Italy leads the EU and ranks second in the European continent (after Russia and before Serbia) for the lack of press freedom, in the 2021 ranking compiled at the Council of Europe.


(1) There are 4 lawsuits received in 2021 alone by Dario Dongo as the author of the following articles published in GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade):

Consorzi Agrari d’Italia SpA, Federconsorzi 2? The Poison Dossier. 1.1.21,

Federconsorzi 2, CAI SpA, AgriRevi, Coldiretti. The dinner of jerks, 31.1.21

CAI SpA, Federconsorzi 2. Federico Vecchioni’s Big Binge and Coldiretti’s Magic Circle., 16.2.21

Here the intimidation letters from Coldiretti’s magic circle lawyers

A further case of intimidation is reported in this article:

Dario Dongo. Inalpi, intimidation and updates. #CleanSpades, 12.9.21

Marta Strinati
+ posts

Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".