Nutri-Score adoption in France (2018-2024): growth, market trends & impact

Food Times Nutri-Score success France

Nutri-Score, a front-of-pack nutrition labeling system, was introduced in France in 2017 as a voluntary tool to help consumers make healthier food choices. This review examines the remarkable growth of products bearing the Nutri-Score label in France from 2018 to 2024, based on the annual report by the Oqali Observatory.

The report highlights the increasing adoption of the Nutri-Score FOPNL (Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling) by food manufacturers and retailers, the evolution of market shares, and the impact on different food sectors and market segments. For the benefit of all stakeholders, in view of helping consumers make healthier food choices.

1) Methodology

The study utilized data from Kantar Worldpanel, a representative panel of over 20,000 French households, tracking nearly 19 million purchasing acts and more than 509,000 different products.

The analysis focused on the market shares of brands engaged in the Nutri-Score initiative, considering volumes of sales, expenditures, and purchasing acts.

Data were then segmented by food categories (as defined by Oqali) and market segments, including industry brands, private labels, discount brands, and specialized distributors.

2) Key findings

2.1) Engaged companies and market share

By June 2024, 1,377 companies were engaged in the Nutri-Score initiative, up from 1,197 in June 2023. The estimated market share of engaged brands reached 62% of total sales volumes by 2023, stabilizing at this level in 2024. This includes:

  • 31% for private labels
  • 21% for industry brands
  • 10% for other market segments.

The growth in market share was particularly significant between 2019 and 2020, with an 18% increase in sales volumes. However, growth slowed between 2021 and 2023, with only a 2% increase, and stabilized in 2024.

2.2) Sector-specific growth

The breakfast cereals sector showed the highest engagement, with 97% of sales volumes coming from Nutri-Score-labeled products by 2024.

Other sectors with high engagement included canned fruits (94%), processed potato products (91%), and frozen ready meals (85%).

However, engagement remains lower in certain sectors such as: confectionery (17%); cheese (51%); syrups and concentrated drinks (53%).

2.3) Market segment analysis

Private labels and industry brands were the primary drivers of Nutri-Score adoption. By 2021, 98% of private labels were engaged, with no significant growth thereafter.

Industry brands showed moderate growth, with their market share increasing from 33% in 2021 to 39% in 2023, stabilizing at 39% in 2024.

Discount brands and specialized distributors also showed significant engagement, with 63% of sales volumes coming from Nutri-Score-labeled products by 2024.

2.4) Regional and segment variations

The engagement of specialized organic distributors remained low, with only 1% of sales volumes coming from Nutri-Score-labeled products.

In contrast, specialized distributors showed higher engagement, with 63% of sales volumes coming from Nutri-Score-labeled products.

2.5) Impact on nutritional quality

While the report does not provide detailed nutritional analysis, it notes that the Nutri-Score initiative has likely contributed to improved nutritional quality  across various food sectors (Steenbergen et al., 2024).

The engagement of major brands and private labels suggests a shift towards healthier product formulations, as demonstrated in precedent studies (Bauner and Rahman, 2024).

3) Discussion

The Nutri-Score has seen extraordinary growth in France, with a significant majority of food products now bearing the label. This growth is driven by the engagement of major private labels and industry brands, which together account for over 50% of the market share. The stabilization of market shares in 2023-2024 suggests that the initiative has reached a mature phase, with most major players already engaged. However, the report highlights some challenges:

  • data limitations. The study relies on data from 2021 for estimating market shares in 2022-2024, which may not fully capture recent market dynamics;
  • sectoral disparities. While some sectors (e.g., cereals, canned fruits) show near-universal adoption, others (e.g., confectionery, syrups) lag behind, indicating potential resistance or slower adoption in certain categories;
  • smaller brands. The engagement of smaller brands and specialized distributors remains limited, suggesting that further efforts are needed to encourage broader participation.

4) Conclusion

The Nutri-Score initiative has achieved remarkable success in France, with a significant majority of food products now bearing the label. The engagement of major private labels and industry brands has driven this growth, leading to improved nutritional transparency and potentially healthier consumer choices.

However, challenges remain in sectors with lower engagement and among smaller brands. Future efforts should focus on encouraging broader participation and addressing sectoral disparities to ensure the continued success of the Nutri-Score initiative, in France as in Europe and beyond.

Dario Dongo


(1) Oqali Observatory. (2024). Suivi du Nutri-Score par l’Oqali – Bilan annuel: Evolution des parts de marché des marques engagées dans la démarche Nutri-Score en France entre 2018 et 2024

(2) Kantar Worldpanel. (2021). Panel data on French household purchases

(3) Santé publique France. (2024). Listes des marques engagées dans la démarche Nutri-Score

(4) Arrêté du 31 octobre 2017 fixant la forme de présentation complémentaire à la déclaration nutritionnelle recommandée par l’Etat en application des articles L.3232-8 et R.3232-7 du Code de la Santé Publique

(5) Elly Steenbergen, M Joline WJ Beulens, Elisabeth HM Temme. Nutri-Score in the European Food Retail Supply: A Potential Incentive for Food Reformulation? Nutrients 2024, 16(23), 4184;

(6) Christoph Bauner and Rajib Rahman. The effect of front-of-package nutrition labeling on product composition. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 51, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 482–505 doi:

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.