NutriScore, the tools for calculating nutritional profiles of foods and beverages

NutriScore calcolo profili nutrizionali

Santé Publique France-the French public health agency-has just released the spreadsheet for calculating the nutritional profiles of food and beverages, based on updated versions of the NutriScore algorithm.

A useful tool for all operators who really want to express the social factor of their ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) strategies, working on nutritional safety and transparency of consumer information.

1) NutriScore, updated versions of the algorithm.

The governments of the seven European countries participating in the NutriScore Steering Committee (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland) have in recent months approved updated versions of the algorithm to be applied in calculating the nutrient profiles of:

– drinks. The best score (NutriScore A) is reserved for water. Fruit juices and other beverages vary between NutriScore B and E, depending on their nutritional profiles (e.g., sugar and saturated fat contents), with penalties if synthetic sweeteners are used, (1)

solid foods. Best scores to fish, fish products and other white meats (e.g., poultry), whole grains, and extra virgin olive oil. Penalization of added sugars, in line with the warnings provided by EFSA on the risks associated with their intake (2,3).

2) NutriScore, the benefits for consumers.

The first function of NutriScore is to help citizens make informed choices in purchasing and consuming food and beverages by providing a clear signal on their labels. Five colors (from deep green to vermilion) corresponding to five letters (A to E) indeed help consumers understand at a glance:

The nutritional profiles of the various products for sale. So you can choose, for example, a delicatessen product that is less salty than others. Or a whole-wheat cookie with unsaturated fatty acids (e.g., sunflower oil) and less sugar, rather than others with refined flours (e.g., wheat flour type 00) and poor-quality saturated fats (e.g., palm oil),

The role of individual foods and beverages within a healthy, balanced diet. In keeping with the Mediterranean diet, which in fact is based on the food pyramid where certain foods can be consumed more frequently and in greater quantities, (4) without neglecting products that belong to local cultural and gastronomic traditions. (5)

3) Public health needs

The international scientific community–based on more than one hundred independent peer-reviewed studies published, including in Italy (6.7)–indicates the NutriScore as the most effective FOPNL(Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling) system, among several tested in the Old Continent, in helping citizens improve their diets.

Obesity and overweight are endemic, as ascertained by WHO Europe, as early as childhood and adolescence. (8) Their effects significantly affect public health and quality of life. It is therefore imperative and urgent to adopt appropriate nutrition policies to mitigate the current crisis, including-and not only-through the NutriScore. (9)

4) Benefits for food operators and retail

Yuka-the app that offers information about the nutritional profiles of foods, based on NutriScore, as well as news about the organic nature of products and additives used in foods and cosmetics-is used by about 40 million users, more than three million in Italy. (10) Information on more than 2.5 million products on the shelf is available, thanks to Yuka, by simply scanning their barcodes. That is, regardless of the still voluntary application of the NutriScore on the label.

Savvy food industry and retail operators have well understood that with Yuka and OpenFoodFacts, another app that uses the NutriScore, it is no longer possible to hide the nutritional profiles of foods and beverages. This circumstance has prompted many operators and retailers to reformulate their branded products, with the dual benefit of encouraging their choice by consumers who are increasingly attentive to nutritional profiles and promoting their social responsibility (11,12). Thus realizing both commercial and brand identity benefits.

5) NutriScore, the tools for calculating nutritional profiles.

Nutritional profiles of foods and beverages can be easily calculated–based on updated versions of the NutriScore algorithm–using the spreadsheet published by Santé Publique France on its web page

General information and FAQ(frequently asked questions) are available in English and French languages.

6) Some examples

The #NutriScore Scientific Committee provides some examples of which to follow for calculating the nutritional profiles of foods and beverages.

NutriScore foods compared

NutriScore foods compared

NutriScore foods compared

#SDG3, improve health and well-being

Dario Dongo


(1) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, evolution of the science-based algorithm. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 1.8.22

(2) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, algorithm update for beverages. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 25.4.23

(3) Marta Strinati. The harmful role of sugars in the diet, EFSA opinion. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 1.3.22

(4) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, we help consumers choose balanced foods! Petition. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 8.10.22

(5) Dario Dongo. NutriScore, full marks to local products. And food quality improves. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 14.4.23

(6) Marta Strinati, Dario Dongo. NutriScore, a report by 320 scientists to urge the European Commission. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 12.5.23

(7) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Italian scientific study confirms the effectiveness of NutriScore. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 7.1.23

(8) Sabrina Bergamini, Dario Dongo. Obesity, childhood obesity, and marketing. WHO Europe 2022 Report. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 16.6.22

(9) Alessandra Mei, Dario Dongo. Public health, noncommunicable diseases, and prevention. EUPHA compared with WHO. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 9.11.22

(10) Similarweb source, Last accessed 16.7.23

(11) Marta Strinati. The impact of the Yuka app on food consumption in Italy. The report. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 3.11.22

(12) Marta Strinati. Yuka stimulates food reformulation and works on eco-score. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 16.8.22

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.