Origin of rice, Italian decree notified to Brussels


Origin of rice in labeling. After measures on the origin of milk in dairy products and the origin of wheat, Italy is taking action to inform consumers about the origin of rice as well.

Origin of rice, the draft decree

On May 12, the Italian government notified the European Commission and member states of the draft ‘interministerial decree concerning the indication of origin on rice labels, implementing Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, on the provision of food information to consumers.’
The rice origin decree had been announced in mid-April by Minister Maurizio Martina. (1) Its text, attached here, in brief to follow.


EU regulations on:
– CMO, Common Market Organization, (2)
– FIC, Food Information to Consumers, consumer information related to food products, (3)
– EU Customs Code. (4)

Reference is also made to the resolution (5) in which the European Parliament called on the Commissionto enforce the mandatory country of origin or place of origin indication for all types of milk for direct consumption. As well as to dairy and meat products. And to consider the possibility of extending the mandatory country of origin or place of provenance indication to other single-ingredient or predominant-ingredient food products. Developing legislative proposals in these areas‘.

Thus, consumers’ interest in knowing the actual origin of products and especially ‘the origin of paddy rice for rice production’ is considered.

Rice origin labeling

Rice labels must bear the indications of:
(a)‘Country of rice cultivation,’ meaning the territory where the paddy rice was grown,
(b)‘Country of processing’, where the processing and/or processing of paddy rice was carried out,
(c)‘Country of packaging‘ (Article 2).
In the case of rice grown and/or milled in more than one country, the terms ‘EU, ‘non-EU,’ ‘EU and non-EU,’ as appropriate, may be used (Art. 3).

The indications of origin must be‘placed on the label in a conspicuous place and in the same field of view (6) so as to be easily recognizable‘ (Article 4).
Application of the decree will not be extended to products made in other member states in compliance with EU rules. And it is in any case planned‘on a trial basis until December 30, 2020.’ (7)
Dario Dongo

DOWNLOAD THE DECREE Outline DM origin riceo_ rev 12may sent to Brux

(1) It would be nice, in a democracy that proclaims itself to be mature, to receive official notice of ministerial measures in the pipeline. As is the case in the U.S. and several European countries, where stakeholders and citizens can participate in consultations on issues of public interest. But capitol governance is unfortunately still lacking
(2) reg. EU 1308/07, Annex II, Part I, Definitions for the rice sector.
(3) reg. EU 1169/11
(4) reg. EU 952/13, Article 60
(5) Resolution P8_TA-PROV(2016)0225 of May 12, 2016.
(6) Better would have been to specify which field of view, such as that of the sales name
(7) The tactic of limiting the temporal effectiveness of national rules on the origin and provenance of raw materials had already been adopted in the case of the Milk Origin Decree. Without shining for courage, he simplified-or perhaps just, postponed until next term-the debates with the European Commission and member states

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.