Quality Italian meats, the time has come


Bovine animal husbandry in Italy is on the cutting edge globally, but 42 percent of steaks still come from abroad. The time has come for a change of course, thanks to this government hopefully.

Italia Zootecnica-the AOP(Association of Producer Organizations) whose members include 1,936 producers of beef and beef cattle, supplying 43.4 percent of the cattle slaughtered in Italy-met with Minister Gian Marco Centinaio on 11/21/18. (1)

Objectives, to share the National Beef Plan and establish a step-by-step work program. Italian animal husbandry has ample room for growth, in the domestic market even before abroad. It is therefore worth investing in, for the revitalization of a strategic area in the national economy.

National Beef Plan, the three pillars

The National Beef Plan stems from 9 years of hard work, which began with the National Livestock Quality System and the drafting of special specifications. All the way to obtaining recognition of the ‘Italian Seal Consortium’ trademark by MiPAAF. (2) The National Plan is rooted in three pillars.

I – The brand ‘
Italian Seal Consortium
‘ (CSI). Use of the CSI collective mark is reserved for supply chains that guarantee compliance with the quality standards defined in the specifications. Thus, one can recognize, at a glance, the productions of Italian breeders who express adherence to appropriate protocols, including for the protection of animal health and welfare. (3)

Theorigin of meats in restaurants – and in all food serving contexts- must be made mandatory as soon as possible to enable consumers to make informed consumption choices. As has already been the case in France since 2002.

II – A 100% Italian cattle supply chain, without having to depend on foreign supplies of ristalli (animals to be fattened). The experimental project ‘Meetbull‘ already works in this direction, to organize a 100% Italian supply chain.

Foreign dependence is pronounced on veal and rump (12-24 months), where imports affect 68 percent of the animals, worth €1 billion (2017 data). Of lesser significance and while improvable in other segments. (4)

III – Interprofessional. The alliance between production, processing and distribution operators is the additional driving force put in place through the interprofessional organization InterCarneItalia. Which already accounts for 40.31 percent of adult beef cattle production as well as-along with Ass.It.A.Ma. – More than one-third of slaughtering activities.

Italian beef animal husbandry, the role of Minister Gian Marco Centinaio

Minister Gian Marco Centinaio was offered an extraordinary opportunity by the Italian Breeders’ Consortium to contribute to the revitalization of Italian animal husbandry. In five moves:

1) Adopt the ‘National Beef Plan,’ to be presented at a press conference at Mipaaft. With the commitment of the relevant Ministerial Offices to work together for its prompt implementation,

2) Support the ‘
National Quality System for Animal Husbandry
‘, including providing financial resources to promote the ‘Italian Seal Consortium‘ brand,

3) Issue a decree law or adopt a bill aimed at ensuring traceability of meat and information on its origin to restaurants. According to the outline already prepared by the writer, on behalf of Italia Zootecnica,

4) Defending beef cattle breeding in the EU by maintaining the level of ‘Titles’ and enhancing ‘coupled aid’. These should come linked to a CMO Meat for POs (to be designed with the participation of livestock farmers gathered in the AOP Italia Zootecnica) and the ‘National Quality System for Livestock’,

5) Support a ‘100% Italy supply chain’ project (starting with ristalli), including financially.

Dario Dongo and Marta Strinati


(1) The meeting 21.11.18 with MinisterGian Marco Zaia was chaired by Fabiano Barbisan and Giuliano Marchesin. Representatives of the various Producer Organizations that are members of the AOP and Consorzio Sigillo Italiano participated: Fabio Scomparin (President OP Azove and OI Intercarneitalia), Franco Martini (President Asprocarne Piemonte), Domenico Romanini (President Bovinmarche), Marco Mocciaro (President Consorzio Carni di Sicilia), Nazzareno Gerolimetto (Coop. Produttori La Castellana), Stefano Gagliardi (Director of Assoavi), Giuseppe Borin (Director OP Azove), Simone Mellano (Director Asprocarne Piemonte)

(2 ) Italia Zootecnica AOP’s 9 years of work have marked the following milestones:

July 2009, presentation of the Meat Plan and National Quality System (NQS) to then Minister Luca Zaia,

– March 2011, ministerial decree on SQN,

– October 2011, guidelines for drafting quality specifications,

– March 2012, presentation of the specifications ‘Vitellone and/or scottona withcereals’ and ‘Vitello al latte e cereali‘,

– October 2015, approval of specification ‘Grain-fed veal and/orrump’,

– April 2016, Decree implementing the specification ‘Grain-fed veal and/orrump’,

February 2018, MIPAAF decree recognizing the ‘Italian Seal Consortium‘,

November 2018, MIPAAFT final approval of control plans.

(4) Foreign dependence affects 17% on white-meat calves (<8 months), 15.6% on veal/scotton (8-12 months), 21.4% on 24-36 months cattle, 4.6% on late-career cows (>36 months, intended for hamburger and canned meat production)

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".