The role of garlic against gastric and colorectal cancers


Garlic may have a protective role against gastric and colorectal cancers, in addition to many other health benefits. The scientific evidence and mechanism of action are reported by a group of Chinese researchers in a meta-analysis published in Oncology Letters. (1)

Gastric and colorectal cancers, Asians most at risk

Gastric and colorectal cancers are the most common types of gastrointestinal cancer. Asian populations are more exposed, perhaps in part because of the greater prevalence of H. Pylori virus and the excess salt and other sodium sources in the diet. (2)

A diet high in salt can lead to a range of gastrointestinal diseases (…) and increased consumption of fiber that abounds in fresh fruits and vegetables is correlated with a reduced risk of gastrointestinal cancer,’ the researchers recall. (3)

The medicinal properties of garlic

Garlic(Allium sativum L.) is an herbaceous perennial plant in the Liliaceae family. Its consumption was associated with medicinal properties as early as ancient times.

It was Galen’s “peasant triaca.” The Egyptians elevated her to the status of a deity. The workers who built the Pyramids received a clove of garlic every day for its invigorating and antiseptic virtues. Garlic was considered a cure-all by Jews, Greeks and Romans‘, wrote French physician Jean Valnet, (1920 – 1995), the father of modern phytotherapy and aromatherapy. (4)

Garlic against gastric and colorectal cancers, the study

Garlic’s many properties (antiseptic, bactericidal, tonic, hypotensive, diuretic, etc.) also include an active role in cancer prevention and treatment. It is reported in the scientific literature to be effective in reducing the risk of breast, pancreatic and esophageal carcinogenesis. And references to gastric and colorectal cancers also abound.

The authors of the study under review evaluated 648 scientific articles on the role of garlic in gastric and colorectal cancers alone and selected 20 of them–conducted in Europe, Asia, the US and Australia–of which:

  • 11 on the role of garlic in the prevention of gastric cancer,
  • 9 On the function of garlic with respect to colorectal cancer.

Our results indicated that garlic intake significantly reduces the risk of gastric cancer (OR=0.65, 95% CI=0.49-0.87, P<0.001) and colorectal cancer (OR=0.75, 95% CI=0.65-0.87, P<0,001). [Ciò è] Consistent with epidemiological evidence supporting the correlation between garlic intake and a reduced risk of gastric and colorectal cancer‘, the researchers conclude.

Prevention and therapy of cancer by apoptosis

The mechanism of action of garlic is due to the four main organic sulfides. Diallyl disulfide (DADS), diallyl trisulfide (DATS), S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), and allicin.These ‘participate in the tumor-related biological process through various mechanisms, eventually leading to apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and inhibition of migration in cancer cells .

A medical compound containing garlic active ingredients may exert potential tumor-preventive or therapeutic effects through the above mechanisms in the human body, representing a new anticancer treatment alternative,’ the researchers conclude. Confirming reports in the 1970s by Dr. Jean Valnet that garlic ‘prevents cancer because of its intestinal antiputrid action.’

How to consume garlic

It is recommended to consume garlic frequently and regularly. Preferably raw and absolutely organic, to avoid ingesting the residues of chemicals also widely used on these crops (as on onions. See note 5).

Jean Valnet suggested some curative and preventive recipes, including:

  • garlic in salads and in food, habitually (preferably raw),
  • one or two cloves of garlic every morning (gout, general health) and habitually, every day at meals,
  • Recommended method: chop, in the evening, two cloves of garlic with a few leaves of parsley and add a few drops of olive oil. Make, the next morning, a breakfast tart.

To neutralize the smell of garlic, chew 2 or 3 grains of coffee, a few grains of anise or cumin, some cardamom (…), or even an apple or a sprig of parsley’. (4) Without the need for candy and chewing gum, often full of problematic additives. (6)

Cover drawing from the book by Dr. Franck Senninger. L’ail et ses bienfaits (Jouvence, Paris, 2009. ISBN-10. 288353683X)


(1) Wang Y, Huang P, Wu Y, Liu D, Ji M, Li H, Wang Y. Association and mechanism of garlic consumption with gastrointestinal cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncol Lett. 2022 Apr;23(4):125. doi: 10.3892/ol.2022.13245. Epub 2022 Feb 17. PMID: 35222725; PMCID: PMC8867184,

(2) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Excess salt, chronic diseases and premature mortality. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade), 5/30/20.

(3) Dario Dongo, Carlotta Suardi. Fiber and whole grains, long life in health. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade), 25.1.19

(4) Jean Valnet. Treatment of diseases with plant essences. Joint Hammer (1976)

(5) Marta Strinati, Dario Dongo. Onions with pesticides, all we can do is cry. #SaveTheBees. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade), 28.3.21

(6) Marta Strinati. Risk additives in Daygum Ferragni gum. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade), 17.7.22.

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".