WHO, Oslo Declaration urges policy action on alcohol


Under the usual silence of the media on 17.6.22–as part of the 9th European Alcohol Policy Conference (1)–the World Health Organization (WHO) and 80 civil society organizations signed the Oslo (Norway) Declaration to call for policy action to regulate alcohol consumption and limit its harms.

1) Alcohol Danger, the Oslo Declaration.

The scenario described in the Oslo Declaration explains the scientific community’s serious concern for the health and well-being of populations. Especially in Europe, the macro-region where there is the highest alcohol consumption worldwide. Medical, scientific epidemiological reports shared at the conference show the evidence.

The World Cancer Research Fund, a cancer prevention organization based in England, particularly emphasizes the correlations between alcohol consumption and the increased risk of occurrence of several forms of cancer (breast, bowel, liver, mouth and throat, esophagus, and stomach). In addition to providing ’empty’ calories, i.e., lacking any nutritional value. (2)

2) Alcohol in Europe, the scenario

The signatories to the Oslo Declaration address the main critical issues:

  • alcohol in Europe causes more harm than any other drug, with devastating consequences for public health and welfare,
  • the scientific evidence is unequivocal, beyond the studies sponsored by Big Alcohol, (3) in affirming a causal relationship between alcohol consumption and serious health harms, (4)
  • a further increase in alcohol consumption among heavy drinkers occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic,
  • the alcohol industry nevertheless persists in promoting its products, through various channels, including to young people and other vulnerable population groups.

3) Big Alcohol, the power of the lobby

Big Alcohol is the protagonist of increasingly aggressive and well-funded efforts to undermine and subvert effective alcohol regulation designed to prevent excess and reduce consumption.

The European Parliament has shown its sensitivity, an understatement, to this lobby. So much so that it has cancelled its own recommendations to label the cancer risk associated with alcoholic beverage consumption. (5)

State governments, in turn, tend to favor the economic interests of Big Alcohol by failing in their responsibilities to protect the health of their citizens and the welfare of their communities.

4) EPHA, the viewpoint of civil society.

EPHA-the European Public Health Alliance representing numerous civil society associations and the scientific community-remarks that alcohol-associated harms are important risk factors of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The 21st century’s greatest threat to health, well-being and prosperity.

Europe is the most alcohol-consuming region in the world, the burden of alcohol-related harm to individuals, families, communities and society is enormous. The time has come for concerted action, so EPHA fully supports the aspirations of the Oslo Declaration to reduce alcohol-related harm in an evidence-based way’. (6)

5) The Oslo Declaration

The Oslo Declaration is translated into 6 languages and contains 7 policy recommendations:

1 – national governments and the EU should regulate alcohol on the basis of the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan, with a view to achieving the targets set by 2030,

2–National governments should cooperate to implement WHO Best Buys and SAFER recommendations, with interventions on alcohol pricing, availability and marketing,

3 – the EU should introduce mandatory nutrition declarations and ingredient lists on alcoholic beverage labels, along with appropriate warnings, to ensure informed consumer choices, (7)

4 – national governments and the EU should ensure that health policy-making processes are protected from interference by the alcohol industry

5 – national governments should tax alcoholic beverages in relation to their alcohol content. (8) These fees should be indexed and increased regularly in line with economic and health indicators,

6 – national governments should limit or prohibit exposure to alcohol marketing, especially to young people, children and other vulnerable groups,

7 – Governments should recognize and support the vital role of civil society organizations in preventing and reducing alcohol-related harm.


(1) The Oslo Declaration. 9th European Alcohol Policy Conference Statement. Oslo, 17th June 2022.

(2) Alcohol and cancer risk. World Cancer Research Fund

(3) Marta Strinati. Big Alcohol and a century of science in its service. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 5.11.20

(4) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Coronavirus, why eliminate or minimize alcoholic beverage consumption. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 6.4.20

(5) Isis Consuelo Sanlucar Chirinos. Alcoholic beverages, EU Parliament deletes proposed label warning on alcohol and cancer risks. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 18.2.20

(6) The Oslo Declaration – a time for united action on Alcohol in the EU . European Public Health Alliance

(7) Marta Strinati. Alcoholic beverage labeling, work in progress in Brussels. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 5.10.21

(8) An example to be corrected is that of beer, which in Italy is taxed in relation to its saccharometric index (degree Plato), rather than its alcohol content. See previous article

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".