Asian rice, here are the EU duties and what it takes


The European Commission, better late than never, introduces measures called for years to safeguard Italian rice from the siege of zero-duty Asian rice. But more is also needed.


The Europeanrice crisis sinks into a 2001 (one year before the euro) neoliberal political project cloaked in cooperation, ‘Everything But Arms‘ (EBA). Through which the European Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, liberalized imports from Developing Countries (‘Least Developed Countries‘, LDCs) of all goods, excluding arms and ammunition.

Importdutieson rice from LDC countries , due to EBA, were gradually lowered (-20% in 2002, -50% to 2006, -80% in 2007) until they disappeared altogether in 2009. It was clear from the beginning that this plan would put rice farming in Italy, the leading producing country in Europe, in crisis, as in other member states. Without bringing any concrete benefit to the peasant communities in the LDCs as much as to their exploiters. As well as big traders and Big Food.

European rice producers-Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Portugal and Romania-have repeatedly appealed to the European Commission

to introduce much-needed safeguard measures.

#theDutyIsTracted, militant rice farming.

#ilDazioètratto is the militant initiative of more than 600 Italian rice growers, out of a total of 4,000. Who, since 2016, have been urging the policy to obtain the restoration of customs duties and origin labeling. It also promotes the unity of purpose of trade associations, the elimination of the reporting of areas and productions (which in fact integrate unfair competition), and the amendment of the statute of the National Rice Board with a view to promoting its value.

The agricultural world

demands a fair shelter from the globalization of exploitation that favors only the financial elites at the expense of farmers

and populations, even in the poorest countries


A higher remuneration is needed

higher, to ensure that farmers have the resources they need to improve processes and products, break free from the seed monopoly

, overcomeinformation and contractual asymmetry

. Because the value of food, which in our country is never a simple ‘


‘, is generated in the earth and must remain anchored there.

Promotion is also needed effective of intact and equitable supply chains of Made in Italy, ‘from seeds to fork’. So that ConsumAtors can make responsible purchasing choices that are truly beneficial to our production chains. And so to the economy and employment in the territory.

Sharing the values of

Made in Italy

must be promoted through new technologies, web and social media

first of all. To be integrated with sustainable supply chain projects

and technologies

that enable consumers, the true masters

of any market, to distinguish authentic Italian products.

Italian and European rice, the safeguard measures

16.1.19 finally, a few months before the European elections, the Commission led by Jean Claude Juncker adopted the rice safeguard measures repeatedly called for. Most recently with Italy’s Question 16.2.18, which the current government had tenacity to support and lead to fate. (1)

As a result, the European Commission has decided to reintroduce duties on imports of Indica rice from Cambodia and Burma (Myanmar), which have caused very serious difficulties for European industry and agriculture. Applying fully justified safeguard measures, resulting in duties of 175 euros/ton for the first year, 150 euros for the second, and 125 euros for the third, starting mid-January 2019.

The reinstatement of tariffs gives the Italian rice milling industry-currently concentrated (90 percent) in Piedmont and Lombardy-time to organize. As this is the last chance for Italian rice farmers to come up with a growth strategy that must come geared for the long term. When the tariffs, politics permitting, could lapse once and for all.

Farmers, however must move, aggregate and network, integrate downstream, establish alliances with virtuous actors in the agribusiness supply chain and especially with consumers. Who call for the effective adoption of sustainable agricultural practices with organic privilege on a global scale, healthy foods, complete information, correct data available for all. As well as clear labels and fair prices, for those who grow as well as those who buy.

Innovation and technology

, from the field to the table, will not be enough to create positive spillovers if the farmer is not able to team up and become a key player in the ongoing transformation. #EatORIGINal!

Dario Dongo and Gian Luca Mascellino

Cover photo by Andrea Cherchi


(1) Italy’s application was submitted pursuant to the reg. EU 978/2012, Article 22

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Gian Luca Mascellino, CEO of ChainForFood, founder of the Italian Sustainable Agriculture Movement.