Belgian authority closes Ferrero plant over suspected salmonella cases linked to Kinder


The Belgian Food SafetyAuthority on 8.4.22 revoked the authorization of Ferrero’s Arlon plant, source of about 7 percent of total global volumes of Kinder products, from which the 5 product lines suspected of causing more than 100 cases of salmonella originated.

UPDATE 9.4.22

The recall in Italy over the Kinder Ferrero case, first limited to Schoko-Bons filled eggs, has been extended to 3 other products:

  • Kinder Sorpresa Maxi Smurfs (100g),
  • Kinder Sorpresa Maxi Miraculous (100g),
  • Kinder Sorpresa T6 Chicks (120g).

For information, contact Ferrero Consumer Assistance at 800-909690.

Belgianauthority stops Ferrero

Based on the investigation conducted by Fasfc and the finding in recent hours that the company is unable to provide complete information for that investigation, the agency today is revoking the authorization for the Arlon plant. At the same time, all Kinder products produced by Ferrero Arlon are being recalled today.‘.

The precautionary (voluntary) recall communicated by Ferrero on 5.4.22 referred to product lots suspected of a correlation with more than 100 cases of salmonellosis in children in several European countries, as we have seen. This voluntary measure is now deemed insufficient.

In fact, the FSFC ordered all production from Ferrero’s Arlon plant to be taken off the shelves. ‘This recall extension includes ALL “Kinder Surprise,” “Kinder Surprise Maxi,” “Kinder Mini Eggs,” and “Schoko Vouchers” products regardless of lot number or expiration date‘, intimates the Authority, which ‘Also calls on distribution companies to remove these products from their shelves‘.

‘Link between Kinder and salmonellosis confirmed’

Salmonellosis outbreaks in several European countries have been traced to the consumption of the 5 recalled Kinder products. In the recall in Italy of Schoko-Bons filled eggs, however, the multinational seems to rule out the correlation, stating that‘Ferrero also reassures that, to date, no products analyzed in the markets affected by the recall have been found to be contaminated with salmonella.

Of an opposite tenor, however, is the conclusion reached by the BelgianAuthority: ”Several cases of Salmonellosis have been reported in Europe for several weeks. A link between these contagions and the Ferrero plant in Arlon was suspected in late March. The connection was later confirmed‘.

Of this evidence, however, to date there is no trace in the RASFF portal.

From Ferrero incomplete information

TheAuthority does not provide further details. Instead, he explains that since the first signs in late March,he ‘conducted a thorough investigation at Ferrero Belgium.’ Finally, on April 8,‘based on the findings and in the absence of complete information provided to us by Ferrero, the FASFC revoked the authorization for Ferrero’s Arlon production site.’

‘FASFC is closely monitoring all measures taken by Ferrero and will only allow the plant to reopen if Ferrero is able to provide the necessary guarantees of compliance with food safety rules and regulations.’

The Belgian Minister of Agriculture, David Clarinval, spoke on the matter: ”I am satisfied with the work that FASFC has done these days. In light of the situation, for the sake of clarity, it was decided to revoke the permit for the Ferrero plant in Arlon. Such a decision is never taken lightly, but the current circumstances make it necessary. The food security of our citizens should never be neglected‘.

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".