Brexit, operating instructions for export of plants, animals, food and drink, by-products from EU to UK


Brexit – England’s exit from the European Union on 1.1.21 – brings a number of additional burdens to trade. In addition to the 7 main changes pertaining to import and export of food products, which have already been set out on our website, there are operational instructions for operator registration, customs operations and border controls.

Brexit, operational instructions for export

As of 1.1.21, all traders and importers intending to bring goods into England must be registered and identified as a ‘GB economic operator (EORI)‘. And goods must be coded according to English rules, for the purpose of both prior customs declaration and calculation of taxes to be applied to imported products.

The new rules to be applied to the exchange of products (food and non-food) between the EU and the UK follow a phased implementation that kicks off on 1.1.21, evolves from 1.4.21 and comes into full effect on 1.7.21. The British government, taking into account the period difficulties related to the coronavirus emergency, has thus introduced a phased-in approach to checks at the Points of Entry and/or Border Inspection Posts. Without waiving the application of sanctions, from the outset, against defaulters.

Ministry of Health Circular 28.10.20

The Ministry of Health, in circular 28.10.20, informed the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of the main changes affecting products subject to sanitary and phytosanitary controls under the responsibility of the health administration, as categorized in UK:

Products of Animal Origin (POAO),

– POAO subject to safeguard measures,

– fishery products and live bivalve molluscs,

High-Risk Food and Feed Not of Animal Origin (HRFNAO)

– Animal By-Products (ABP),

– Live animals and germinal products,

– Live aquatic animals for aquaculture and ornamental purposes,

– equines.

All the product categories listed above are subject to new procedures, particularly with regard to pre-notification and health certification (e.g., Export Health Certificate or Phytosanitary Certificate). According to the progression mentioned above (Jan. 1, April 1, and July 1, 2021), depending on the various product categories and their health risks.

Brexit, operational instructions

Operational instructions are detailed in the document published by the British government,
The Border with the European Union

The attachedfile – prepared by Authors Sarah Lanzilli, Guido Bruatto, Francesca Rubinetti, Amaranta Traversa and Irene Clori, ASL City of Turin – offers a useful summary table.

Claudio Biglia and Dario Dongo

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Veterinary surgeon, specializing in the inspection of food of animal origin. Since 1982 he has been a public veterinarian, since 1990 he has taught at the Universities of Turin and Teramo. He is the author of over seventy scientific publications and co-author of various texts on microbiology, radiocontamination of food, surveillance, health and food law, trade in public areas and communication in health emergencies.

Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.