EFSA glosses over the safety risks of glyphosate. ‘Stop Glyphosate!

EFSA glifosate

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), on July 6, 2023, concluded the peer review of the safety risk assessment associated with glyphosate spraying in agriculture, parks and gardens. EFSA declares the substantial absence of risk to public health and the environment, while admitting data gaps and uncertainties. (1)

The coalition
, which has been fighting for years for a ban on the herbicide, has created a new site where it can collect independent scientific studies and information on the dangers and risks of glyphosate, as well as possible and sustainable alternatives to the best-selling herbicide in Europe and around the world.

1) ECHA, EFSA and glyphosate. Gruyere Opinions

EFSA’s assessment sets the stage for further renewal of the authorization for the use of glyphosate in the Old Continent, currently expiring in December 2023. The opinion in turn is based on the previous assessment of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Which, as it turned out, had overlooked the scientific frauds and omissions revealed in the ‘Monsanto papers‘. (2) Except to conclude, still in 2022, that glyphosate does not meet the criteria for being considered a carcinogen, mutagen or reprotoxic substance. Dangerous only to the eyes and the marine environment.

EFSA would consider 2,400 studies and 180,000 dossiers. And yet he admits that due to ‘gaps in the data (…) some issues could not be definitively resolved.’ Risks related to:

FOOD SAFETY. Namely, the risks associated with dietary exposure to glyphosate and its deposition in human tissues, starting prenatally,

adverse effects on neuronal development and microbiome (already demonstrated in some peer-reviewed published scientific studies),

toxicity of one of the components of the glyphosate pesticide formula, still lacking indications of acute toxicity and genotoxicity,

effects of one of the impurities in glyphosate,

survival and health aquatic plants.

On these not insignificant aspects EFSA indicates the need for further research.

2) Biodiversity, eyes closed

Risks to biodiversity are also glossed over by EFSA, with the paltry justification that these are ‘complex’ problems that ‘depend on multiple factors.’

– on closer inspection, plant health and the health and welfare of every animal species (including bees and pollinating insects) have come fully into the concepts of´hazard‘ and´risk‘ in food safety, thanks to Official Controls Regulation (EU) No 2017/625. Yet,

– the European Authority is passing the buck to member countries, which should consider taking measures to ‘mitigate’ these risks. Neglecting that

– glyphosate, on the other hand, is considered risky for the environment and public health (ecotoxicology). With long-term risks to mammals identified in 12 of 23 tested uses of glyphosate. (3)

3) Stop Glyphosate

Stop Glyphosate
is a coalition established in 2015 by organizations and civil society figures who have been calling for a Europe-wide ban on glyphosate use ever since.

1,320,517 signatures were collected in the eponymous European Citizens’ Initiative – in 2017 (4) – but successive Commissions (Juncker, Von der Leyen) have not responded to them. So much for the biodiversity protection goals stated in the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) and those of drastic reduction of agrotoxics mentioned in the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR), -50% by 2030, EFSA, however, does not consider the concerns expressed by citizens, nor the scientific fraud and documentary omissions by Bayer – Monsanto and others about the risks of glyphosate. (5)

The coalition has therefore published a new website where it can collect the independent studies that the agrochemical giants continue to hide. Studies that, as noted, indicate possible correlations between glyphosate exposure and

– Increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,

Disruption of the endocrine and reproductive systems,

Intoxications to the bee microbiome,

damage to the human gut microbiome, even at doses considered safe and allowed in the EU,

Increased antibiotic resistance in hospital bacteria,

– Reduction in biodiversity. (6)

4) European Commission ready for renewal

PAN Europe (Pesticides Action Network) has published a preview of a document showing that the European Commission has already decided on a renewal of the use of glyphosate, without restrictions. (7)

DG Sante ‘isturning a blind eye to the toxicity problems and data gaps identified by EFSA in relation to the use of glyphosate and is secretly trying to quickly reissue its license by circumventing any public scrutiny‘ (Angeliki Lyssimachou, PAN Europe). (8)

The Commission’s agenda even referred to no report on renewal but only an exchange of views on FSA’s findings. The precautionary principle, guaranteeing the health of citizens and the environment, is not at home in Brussels. As is also evident from ‘ex officio’ renewals to agrotoxics approvals not even subjected-as they should be- to risk re-assessment. (9)

Dario Dongo and Alessandra Mei

Cover cartoon by cartoonist Red! on Agir pour l’environnement


(1) EFSA. Glyphosate: no critical areas of concern; data gaps identified. 6.7.23 https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/news/glyphosate-no-critical-areas-concern-data-gaps-identified

(2) Dario Dongo. Glyphosate, European Chemical Agency Echa report overlooks the falsity of data produced by Monsanto. Corporation now on trial in U.S.. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 17.3.17

(3) EFSA. EFSA explains the scientific assessment of glyphosate. https://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-07/glyphosate_factsheet.pdf

(4) Pesticide Action Network. Crunch time on Glyphosate. 4.12.2017 https://www.pan-europe.info/blog/crunch-time-glyphosate

(5) Dario Dongo. How the agrochemical industry hides the toxicity of pesticides. New studies. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade) 13.6.2023

(6) V. Fugère et al. (2018). Community rescue in experimental phytoplankton communities facing severe herbicide pollution. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 578-588 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-1134-5

(7) European Commission. Renewal report for the active substance glyphosate https://www.pan-europe.info/sites/pan-europe.info/files/public/resources/press-releases/RR%20Glyphosate%20renewal%20-%20JUL%2023.pdf

(8) Leaked: EU Commission plans to swiftly reapprove glyphosate to avoid scientific and public debate. PAN Europe. 17.7.23 https://www.pan-europe.info/press-releases/2023/07/leaked-eu-commission-plans-swiftly-reapprove-glyphosate-avoid-scientific-and

(9) Marta Strinati. Not just glyphosate. 33% of pesticides used in EU lack risk assessment. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 26.11.23

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in Law from the University of Bologna, she attended the Master in Food Law at the same University. You participate in the WIISE srl benefit team by dedicating yourself to European and international research and innovation projects.