FelsineoVeg, organic plant foods land on the web


FelsineoVeg, the brand specializing in ready-to-eat, organic foods that are free of animal-derived ingredients, inauguratesecommerce. The platform can also be accessed from the company website.

And it prides itself on providing consumers with essential information for informed purchases, starting with the complete list of ingredients and the table with nutritional values.

Plant protein free from

The basic ingredient of the Bolognese group’s veg foods is a dough of different flours (wheat and chickpeas or wheat and lupins) processed with sourdough. Two product lines result:

the Veghiamo line offers ready-to-eat vegetable sliced meats in 10 different flavors, three of which are also in gluten-free versions.

the Good&Green line, on the other hand, offers crispy preparations that can be reheated for a few minutes, in Burger (simple and spicy) and Dorata (mild or lupine-flavored, more flavorful) formats.

The three pillars

FelsineoVeg’s policy is in line with the primary requirements of sustainable food. It rests on three pillars of value:

100% vegetable protein. The use of legumes (chickpeas and lupins) produces foods with high protein content (about 30 percent) and less than 9 percent fat. The products are prepared without the addition of thickeners, dyes and preservatives.

100% organic. Beneficial to the environment and health, FelsineoVeg’s organic foods are certified by ICEA (Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification), which also awards them the Vegan label. This results in ‘clean’ formulations, free of agrotoxic residues (herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and, of course, GMO ingredients, which are banned in organic farming.

100% good and healthy. In addition to the controlled nutritional profile to provide balanced foods, FelsineoVeg promises goodness. The most advanced food technologies enable results that are good for health and good for the palate. Zero additives and ‘facilitators’ of production processes. And, consequently, no palm oil, the cheap tropical fat responsible for deforestation and social injustice widely used in the past by the food industry.

All products are packaged in paper trays, an evolution of previous packaging that results in 74.5 percent plastic savings.

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".