Food and alcoholic beverages, consumption trends according to Twitter


Food and alcohol consumption trends are also inferred from Twitter conversations. The analysis is carried out by social network partners, for different sectors, from finance to food production. And it provides Birdseye Reports, a useful tool for identifying growing areas of consumption.

Twitter trends for food

Food consumption trends of Twitter users are surveyed by Talkwalker. Sustainability is the driving theme. 46.5 percent of the conversations on the topic are from users belonging to Generation Z, i.e., those born between 1995 and 2010, who are highly committed to sustainable production and combating food waste.

The premise well explains Twitter users’ interest in sustainable proteins, both plant-based (87.8 percent of protein-related conversations) and from insects.

Sustainability is also sought in packaging. 54.4 percent of conversations about food-related environmental practices contemplate the reduction of plastic in food packaging.

Alcoholic beverages according to Twitter users

Among alcoholic beverages, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages are a specific area of growth, reports the report presented by Black Swan Data for Twitter, on data for the year ending September 2021.

An obvious interest emerges in beverages enriched with beneficial functional additives, such as vitamins and CBD. And for the convenience offered by alcoholpops, the‘ready-to-drinkcocktails, preferably without additives and preservatives, sugar-free and in new flavors.

Lively is the interest in novelties. Best if publicized by influencers and with references to sustainability issues.

Birdseye Report, Great Italian Food Trade

Birdseye Reports can be downloaded for free, after registration, at this link.

Great Italian Food Trade
is itself on Twitter – @ItalyFoodTrade – and on Telegram, under the Food Times brand. As well as on LinkedIn, Instagram (@greatitalianfoodtrade), Pinterest and Facebook.

Marta Strinati
+ posts

Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".