Food contaminants. New limits in EU on ochratoxin A from 1.1.23


Reg. EU 2022/1370-partly reforming the Food Contaminants Regulation (EC Reg. No. 1881/2006)-introduces new limits on ochratoxin A (OTA) levels on various food categories in the EU, effective 1.1.23. (1)

1) Ochratoxin A, the invisible evil.

Ochratoxin A (OTA ) is a mycotoxin produced by fungi of the Aspergillus and Pennicillium species such as A. ochraceus, A. carbonarium, A. niger, and P. verrucosum.

It is present in numerous foods such as cereals and cereal products, legumes, coffee, beer grape juice, raisins, wine, cocoa products, nuts and spices, cheeses, and cured meats (2,3).

IARC(International Agency for Research on Cancer) placed ochratoxin A in Group 2B, ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans,’ back in 2012. (4) Toxicological studies, in vitro and in vivo, have also demonstrated genotoxic effects, as well as toxicities to kidney and liver, nervous and immune systems. (5)

2) Ochratoxin A, new limits in EU.

The European Food Safety Authority, in its latest opinion on OTA (EFSA, 2020), pointed out that the biochemical mechanisms underlying genotoxicity are not yet fully understood. Therefore, the expert panel adopted an approach based on margins of exposure (MoE) versus reference values for neoplastic and non-neoplastic effects. (6)

Therefore, the European Commission has introduced new maximum levels of ochratoxin A contamination on certain foods that have hitherto been unregulated. As well as lowering some previously established limits on other food products.

2.1) New list of food products subject to contamination limits.

Regulation (EU) 2022/1370 firstly supplements the list of food categories subject to maximum thresholds for ochratoxin A contamination, which now includes:

– baked goods, cereal snacks, and breakfast cereals,

– nuts and dried fruits, nonalcoholic beverages, dried fruits other than raisins, date syrup, licorice confectionery,

– sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon and melon seeds, hemp seeds, soybeans, pistachios, cocoa powder,

– dried herbs, altea/bismalva root, dandelion/dandelion root, and orange blossom for use in herbal infusions or in coffee substitutes.

2.2) Reduction of maximum OTA contents.

The thresholds for ochratoxin A contamination are significantly reduced, effective 1.1.23, on:

– coffee (10 to 5 µg/kg soluble coffee, 5 to 3 µg/kg roasted coffee),

– bakery products (3 to 2 µg/kg products not containing nuts, dried fruits and nuts),

– raisins (10 to 8 µg/kg).

Ochratoxin A contamination limits for some spices have been extended to all spices.

3) Interim Conclusions.

Mycotoxins, as it turns out, remain a source of serious food safety and public health hazard that has been little considered to date. And the level of effective protection of children (5.7), among others, is still in doubt.

Cheese and cured meats in turn, as also highlighted by the National Committee on Food Safety (CNSA, 2021), contribute to overall dietary exposure to mycotoxins. (3) But they too remain devoid of maximum tenors.

Dario Dongo and Ylenia Desiree Patti Giammello


(1) Reg. EU) 2022/1370, amending Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 regarding maximum levels of ochratoxin A in certain foodstuffs. On Eur-Lex,

(2) Travis R. Bui-Klimke & Felicia Wu (2016). Ochratoxin A and human health risk: A review of the evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
Volume 55, 2015 – Issue 13.

(3) Dario Dongo. Ochratoxin A, mold danger in cheese and pork. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 7.10.21

(4) Pitt JI, Wild CP, Baan RA, Gelderblom WCA, Miller JD, Riley RT, Wu F. Improving public health through mycotoxin control. (2012). International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Scientific Publications Series, No. 158

(5) Marta Strinati. Mycotoxins, interview with Carlo Brera, ISS expert. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 31.5.19

(6) EFSA (2020). Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food.

(7) Marta Strinati. Mycotoxins, the invisible evil. THE ABC’S. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 24.5.19

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Laboratory technician, passionate about the production and distribution of food products, consumer information and culinary art.