GHO, the driving force for the free and fair trade in honey

Global Honey Organization

Facilitating international trade in fair honey to promote the consumption of naturally sustainable food and improve the living conditions of the communities that dedicate themselves to it in every corner of the planet. With these objectives, GHO, the Global Honey Organisation, was born.

GHO, on the honey side

Global Honey Organization (GHO) is an international non-profit association founded in February 2024 in Lugano, under Swiss legislation.

Its members operate in every region, from Africa, America and Asia to Europe and Oceania, and play a significant role in their respective reference markets.

Shared benefits

GHO’s mission is to promote international exchanges of good and fair honey for the benefit of all – in particular, in low and middle-income countries – and to guarantee equal opportunities for all operators participating in the bee nectar value chain.

International trade in honey is important for many countries and vital for some. GHO aspires to contribute to a fair and equitable market that respects everyone’s rights without discrimination and technical barriers, such as those recently introduced in the European sector legislation. (1)

The various regional origins of honey, an unexpressed treasures

Removing barriers to international trade will allow GHO and its members to help not only beekeepers but also consumers around the world. Who will thus be able to have access to a broader supply of honey, in terms of

  • floral, productive and geographical variety, which as we have seen is extraordinary. Honey is one of the most differentiated natural foods in relation to ecosystems and biodiversity, traditions and cultures, and beneficial properties (2)
  • quantities and prices. These are the conditions for promoting the consumption of food rich in health benefits, as attested in extensive scientific literature. (3) A great natural alternative to artificial sweeteners.

Agrobiodiversity and world cultures

Honey production dates back to ancient times and is still characterized by agrobiodiversity and a variety of production methods developed in different cultures and civilisations to adapt to local circumstances and the needs of import markets.

‘We are determined to protect and promote honey production’s natural and cultural diversity and the resulting free trade as a significant enabler of improving people’s sustainable economic prospects.

Our agenda is guided by the principles of full compliance with international law, commitment, and respect for the world’s natural resources, which must be managed in a sustainable way‘, (Santiago Herrero, GHO President).

Network of experts

GHO gathers the skills of a network of experts in various scientific and legal fields to share and achieve the set objectives.

For information about the organization and its advisory committees, please write to

Dario Dongo
Director General
Global Honey Organization


(1) Dario Dongo. Breakfast directives, the European Parliament raises the barriers against non-EU honey. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 12.12.23

(2) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Miele, a universe to discoverGIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 10.10.23

(3) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Honey and healthGIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 27.4.20

Dario Dongo
+ posts

Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.