Green Retail Forum 2019, sustainability in retail


The food supply chain, more than others, can contribute to the achievement of at least some of the 17 SDGs (
Sustainable Development Goals
) in UN Agenda 2030. And distribution, which is closest to consumAtors, can really be a key player in the turn toward sustainability. Comparing Experiences and Perspectives, 9.10.19 in Milan at Fondazione Filarete, at Green Retail Forum 2019.

Green Retail Forum, sustainability at the center

‘Spaces and supply chains of sustainability’. Cases and models: solutions and comparisons‘. (1) A full day of papers, panel discussions and debates in thematic groups (see attached program), at the 11th Green Retail Forum.

Two panel discussions enlivened the morning, with a succession of interviews with 15 representatives of large-scale retail operators, their suppliers and independent experts.

An initial discussion addresses the relationship between spaces and sustainability. Comparing physical retail (in large and very large, medium and small formats), with digital retail (on international, national and local, single- and omni-channel levels).

Instead, the second panel discussion, dedicated to Supply Chain and Sustainability, offers a comparison of cases of organized and unorganized supply chains, including in non-food sectors.

The three working groups

The thematic working groups, in the afternoon, address three models of intervention.

1) Brand model. Alternatives to the manufacturer’s brand. Speakers include Mario La Viola of CRAI, Sergio Tonfi of Superbrand, Chiara Rossetto of Molino Rossetto and Dario Dongo of GIFT (
Great Italian Food Trade
) and FARE. Moderated by Paolo Ricotti, one of the founders of PLEF.

2) Life cycle model. Circular alternatives. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Product design and waste management.

3) Organizational model. Structural, relational and skill alternatives. Profit and nonprofit realities compared.

PLEF award to solidarity

After a report by Emanuele Plata, president of PLEF, the event concluded with the presentation of the‘Italian Solidarity Emporium 2019‘ award. An award designed by PLEF and supported by Gruppo VéGé, to be given to a champion of social inclusion.

Some food for thought, regarding:

Sustainable procurement and consumption,

short supply chain,

– the possible contribution of the

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