McDonald’s & CO. lobbying against packaging regulation. DeSmog Inquiry

McDonald’s regolamento imballaggi

The giant of the fast-food McDonald’s leads the way among lobbyists hard at scrapping the proposed regulation on packaging and packaging waste (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, PPWR), which calls for a ban on single-use containers in restaurants and public establishments by 2030, as well as and a 10 percent increase in reusable take-out food containers. (1)

McDonald’s, ‘tailored’ studies against packaging regulation

The independent investigative agency DeSmog reconstructs in detail the furious lobbying that attempts to scuttle the transition to sustainable packaging, including by funding studies deemed unclear by academics and industry experts. (2)

McDonald’s – Responsible for releasing waste into the environment for ‘Over a billion kilos of packaging each year, equal to the weight of over 100 Eiffel Towers‘, together with packaging manufacturers and trade associations – in late April asked the EU presidents of Parliament, Council and Commission for a pause in the packaging regulation legislative process.

Yet another move after relentless pressure. In one year, these lobbyists held more than 290 official meetings with MEPs, compared to 21 for NGOs.

Since June 2022, McDonald’s and other acquired industry groups have funded three studies, launched two websites, and sponsored numerous articles attacking the legislation on the grounds that it would undermine Europe’s zero-waste ambitions.

Reuse is the way out

Transitioning from a single-use packaging consumption pattern to the use of reusable containers is being touted–by the proponents of PPWR, the independent scientific community and civil society–as the indispensable solution to address the environmental woes related to the production and dispersion of plastic is microplastics.

The packaging is a major user of virgin materials as 40 percent of plastic and 50 percent of paper used in the EU is for packaging. Without action, the EU would see a further 19 percent increase in packaging waste by 2030, and for plastic packaging waste even a 46 percent increase‘, recalls the European Commission. (3)

However, this change requires major investments and operational changes for businesses such as McDonald’s. And a production conversion for single-use packaging industries.

Obscure data on the convenience of reuse

Lobbies of McDonald’s and the industries indicated – in defiance of scientific evidence on the environmental impact of their ‘business-as-usual’, also in relation to the plastic production (Zheng et al., 2019) – insist that reusable packaging would cause a 50 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions for meals in situ and 260% for take-away ones.

The exact opposite of the findings of the European Commission’s studies, which instead predict a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 23 mln tons/year, precisely because of the measures proposed in the PPWR.

Single-use packaging lobbyists, moreover, invest considerable resources in disseminating their theorems through studies ‘tailored’ to their interests and articles (for a fee) also disseminated on the Politico EU news site. (4,5)

Impossible comparison

Among the materials proposed by single-use (i.e., packaging-waste) advocates, the study funded by McDonald’s and conducted by the research consulting firm Kearney is much debated. (6)

The study proposes a very negative scenario if the requirement to reuse containers is approved. Alleging a number of theories that appear completely unfounded. Some examples:

– the hypothetically negative environmental impact of adopting reusable containers is referred to the effects in 10 years of completely eliminating single-use take-out food containers. Instead, the regulation calls for a conversion to reusable containers for only 10 percent of take-out food and 20 percent for beverages by 2030,

– the increased water consumption (to sanitize the containers) is calculated without taking into account the concomitant savings of water consumed today to produce the disposable packaging,

– the rate of return for reuse is given as low as three times for plates and cutlery before they are broken or thrown in the trash. A far-fetched assumption, according to activists and academics, who also point to standardization of bins and widespread collection (as it is now for recycling) as tools to increase the collection rate.

The charge of pro-disposable studies

These pro-disposable theses are replicated in other studies and communication initiatives funded by industry groups.

In late April, McDonald’s and 12 industry members launched the ‘Together for Sustainable Packaging coalition to dismantle the proposed packaging regulation.

The alliance includes Seda and Huhtamaki together with the European Paper Packaging Alliance (EPPA), a trade group of which McDonald’s isa member.’

The coalition‘s website was created by the public relations firm Boldt (Brussels) and warns that policymakers should ‘beware of the unintended consequences of well-intentioned legislation.’

Photocopy studies

Studies in favor of single-use packaging replicate the same concepts aimed at demonizing the transition to reusable containers.

Consulting giant McKinsey published a study similar to the Kearney report. (7) He refused to disclose the funders of his study. But five groups representing the paper, carton and corrugated packaging industry released a report (dated March) on April 6 with identical findings to McKinsey’s as-yet-unpublished report, DeSmog reveals. (8)

Before that, in June 2022, the same theses were disseminated in a study by European Paper Packaging Alliance (EPPA), of which McDonald’s is a member. (9)

So much effort, including financial, could be devoted to the reorganization needed to reduce the mountain of packaging waste. But the fast-food giant, a historic champion of greenwashing, continues its run against ESG(Environment, Social and Governance) criteria.

Marta Strinati


(1) Dario Dongo, Alessandra Mei. Packaging reduction, reuse and recycling in the EU. PPWR’s proposal. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 14.12.22

(2) Clare Carlile. McDonald’s Leads Lobbying Offensive Against Laws to Reduce Packaging Waste in Europe. DeSmog. 8.5.23

(3) European Green Deal: Putting an end to wasteful packaging, boosting reuse and recycling. European Commission. 11/30/22

(4) Pause the proposal on PPWR (Sponsored content from Together for Sustainable Packaging). Politico. 24.4.23

(5) Jon Banner, EVP and global chief impact officer,. McDonald’s. No silver bullet: Ensuring the right packaging solutions for Europe. (Sponsored content from McDonald’s). Political. 1.3.23

(6) No silver bullet. Why the right mix of solutions will achieve circularity in Europe’s informal eating out (IEO) sector. Kearney. April 2023

(7) The potential impact of reusable packaging. McKinsey. 5.4.23

(8) Impact Assessment of reuse targets in proposed PPWR. Final Report. Study commissioned by Cepi, ECMA, EPPA, FEFCO and Pro Carton. March 2023.

(9) New study shows that making reusable containers for takeaway obligatory will undermine the EU’s environmental goals. EPPA. 27.6.22

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".