Civil society and associations representing organic and peasant agriculture denounce the 5 Star Movement’s attempt to pave the way for new GMOs.
The associations united under the hashtag #ItaliaNoOgm therefore illustrate the risks of deliberate release of so-called NBTs(New Breeding Techniques) into the environment in the attached document, a summary of which follows.
New GMOs, the forcing of the 5 Star Movement.
In 2020, the government led by Giuseppe Conte had already attempted to clear the new GMOs through various initiatives by then-Agriculture Minister Teresa Bellanova. One year later, history repeats itself.
The 5 Star Movement presented to the House Agriculture Committee on 12/15/21 a new bill on so-called assisted evolution techniques (ATEs), yet another euphemism for describing new GMOs.
Those who support pesticide and seed monopolies
The bill is signed by Agriculture Committee Chairman Filippo Gallinella and Congressmen Chiara Gagnarli, Giuseppe L’Abbate, Luciano Cadeddu and Luciano Cillis.
The 5 Members propose to amend Legislative Decree July 8, 2003, no. 224 and accelerate procedures for the release in the field of plant varieties obtained in the laboratory bygenome editing techniques(genome editing).
Confusion and emulation
Parliamentary supporters of new GMOs carry on a viral deception, denying the substantial identity of characteristics and objectives between old and new GMOs (NBTs), which must be matched by equal attention in scientific risk assessment. Indeed, as the European Court of Justice ruled in 2018.
The rhetoric of Italian politicians not surprisingly echoes the communication guidelines of the International Seed Federation (ISF) a lobby of pesticide and seed monopolists(Big 4). An ongoing 5-year promotional campaign, ‘Building on Success,’ falsely equates laboratory genetic manipulation with spontaneous mutations in nature. To then argue that these biotechnologies are a necessary response to cope with climate change.
Genetic engineering V. nature
Science has shown how genomeediting-unlike mutations that occur in nature-can generate a variety of changes, in DNA, with effects beyond prediction.
The side effects of these biotechnologies are thus off-target mutations, deletions, rearrangements and unwanted insertions of DNA.
Collateral damage
The problem denounced by many is that off-target effects are not being studied or researched with scientific rigor because of the rush to patent the new GMOs, 45,000 authorized in the U.S. in just 12 months one recalls.
We are faced with a policy that responds only to the pressures of agribusiness, accepting an ascientific science that renounces rigor and method in the name of profit linked to monopolies on the means of agricultural production.
Dictatorship of lobbies
This legislative initiative, moreover, comes in the total absence of public discussion on the issue of new GMOs with farmers’ organizations, organic farming associations and environmentalists.
Instead, ample space is given, ça va sans dir, to the agricultural confederations and seed associations that call for GMOs to be allowed to be grown in the field, completely ignoring the precautionary principle, current European regulations and the will of Italian citizens, who are strongly opposed to GMOs.
Hidden GMOs
The possible introduction of the new GMOs into the Italian agri-food sector would profoundly jeopardize the quality and resilience of the entire industry, undermining consumers’ right to information and choice.
One of the most fallacious arguments concerns the sustainability of these assisted evolution techniques and their ability to produce varieties resistant to climate change and diseases that affect crops.
Resilience in time
Several studies indicate that genomicediting, aimed at, among other things, introducing resistance genes to certain plant diseases, would quickly lead to the loss of these traits, making their forced introduction through genetic manipulation futile.
The experience of BT corn is significant. The GMO that was most promising at the time because it was supposed to protect corn from the corn borer through tobacco genes has worked poorly, and its crop has thus become prey to massive sprays of the pesticides it was supposed to prevent.
These techniques have the sole purpose of reinforcing the current paradigm based on extractive and intensive agriculture, which requires chemical inputs in increasing quantities. With serious impacts on the environment, animal welfare and human health. In the opposite direction of the Farm to Fork strategy.
Agroecology and research
Instead, the planet’s citizens and international organizations(FAO, 2019) are calling for agroecology to protect biodiversity and natural resources, provide healthy and wholesome food, and redistribute its value with equity from farm to fork.
Farmer, environmental and civil society organizations by no means deny the value of research, basic and applied, but it must respond to public and shared interests. With respect for biodiversity, soils and ecosystems.
Interim conclusions
The #ItaliaNoOGM coalition calls for.
– to the 5 Star Movement to withdraw the bill,
– to the government to commit to finding effective ways to prevent the deliberate release of new GMOs into the environment and ensure control over the circulation and traceability of related materials.
Marta Strinati and Dario Dongo
For further study see also theebook ‘GMOs, the big scam.
Annex – Full text. The GMO-Free Italy Front document is signed by AIAB, ISDE, Italian Rural Association, Association for Biodynamic Agriculture, Civiltà Contadina, Égalité onlus, Crocevia, Greenpeace, LIPU, Legambiente, WWF, Agorà, Fair Watch, Italian Foundation for Research in Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture, Federbio, Zero GMO Coordination, Deafal, Terra! National Federation Pro Natura, Slow Food Italy, ACU-Associazione Consumatori Utenti, Transform Italia, Navdanya International, Basic Trade Union.