Omega 3 pork, good fats in meat


Omega 3 pork, back to the future. Using a fully certified process, Cura Natura brand (Ferri Group of Castelvetro) produces pork high in Omega 3. The project, based on years of research, reproduces with modern techniques the pig’s natural diet, which saw the pig feeding on grasses and acorns in the forests, the source of the valuable unsaturated fats.

The certified forest

The same nutritional values that used to characterize the meat of free-ranging pigs in the wilderness are recaptured today thanks to a dietary formula based on herbs and oil seeds, recalling the pig’s ancient plant nutrients in nature.

Cura Natura’s innovative process is certified by Certiquality for traceability of all production steps. From the Ferri Group’s exclusive feed formula, to Cura Natura’s breeding methods (exemplary in respect of animal welfare), and on to the subsequent stages of slaughtering, processing, packaging and sales.

A virtuous circuit that starts with fresh meat, but may see involved in the Omega 3 Chain, the first in Italy to be certified, all partners who wish to share the protocol,’ the historic Castelvetro company points out.

In addition to traceability certification, Cura Natura pork has obtained certification for ‘feed recipe with guaranteed Omega 3 content’ and breeding ‘pigs with meat high in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids’.

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