Sana 2021, appointment in Bologna


From Sept. 9-12, SANA 2021 returns to host visitors ‘in attendance’ after the long break dictated by the pandemic. The International Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products, organized by Bologna Fiere, reaches its 33rd edition with 600 brands and 500 new products.

SANA 2021, the bio asset of refuge

Organic is becoming increasingly popular with consumers in Italy and abroad due to the growing concern for the environment and health.

In 2021 (January to July), sales in Italy grow by 5 percent to slightly more than 4.6 billion euros.

Good export

Outside the borders, Italian organic is appreciated enough to gain an additional +11% over last year. The export value thus reaches 2.9 billion euros.

In the domestic market, the largest share of sales is in domestic consumption, with nearly 3.9 billion euros (+4 percent). Out-of-home consumption also restarted, marking a 10 percent increase to 701 million in sales.

The big events of SANA 2021

Among the key events at SANA 2021, the third edition of BIO REVOLUTION stands out. The Organic States General (on 9 and 10.9) offer a wide-ranging overview of the sector, preparatory to timely dialogue and discussion sessions between institutions, supply chain players and industry experts on issues of primary relevance and topicality for the sector.

The initiative is promoted by BolognaFiere, in collaboration with FederBio and AssoBio and is carried out with the organizational secretariat of Nomisma.

The numbers of the Observatory

Highly anticipated is the presentation of data from the SANA 2021 Observatory, which, like every year, gives all the numbers on organic, from production to market size.

Key Numbers, Market Prospects, Role for Made in Italy (on the 9th at 2:30 p.m.) and the meeting ‘Towards the Italian Action Plan for the Development of Organic’ (on the 10th at 10 a.m.). Both meetings are held at the Service Center’s Open Theatre.

The fire on the Street of Herbs

The Herb Street is dedicated this year to the theme of fire. The focus is on plants that represent it well, such as pepper, chili or chile, ginger, tea, and cocoa.

The initiative is organized in collaboration with SISTE, the Italian Society of Applied Sciences for Medicinal Plants and Health Products, and ALTEA, the association of herbal technicians at the University of Turin.

The full program of SANA 2021 is available here.

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".