Wine, Italy is the world’s top producer


Italy is the world’s leading wine producer. 2015 ended with a 10 percent increase in production to 48.9 million hectoliters.

Italian supremacy is noted by the OIV, Organisation Internationale de la Vigne ed du Vin, according to which Italy’s overtaking of France, which is stuck at 47.4 million hectoliters, unchanged since 2014, is now certain.

On the podium of the world’s largest wine producers, Spain occupies third place, with production of 36.7 million hectoliters (up 4 percent over 2014).

The rise of Chile

Along the rankings, U.S. wine production remains essentially stable, rising 1 percent with 22.14 million hectoliters, while Chile’s rise continues, where production jumps 23 percent, totaling 12.8 million hectoliters. Outside the top five places remains Argentina, which loses 23 percent of production. In contrast, the situation of other major wine producers such as New Zealand and Australia remains unchanged, with the latter enjoying a great advantage in the Chinese market. (LINK)

Italy in China

Italy’s supremacy as a world producer raises the urgency of improving performance in the global market as well, particularly in high-potential markets such as China. Here Italy ranks fifth among the main suppliers of wine and has wide room for improvement, given the growing ability of Chinese consumers to appreciate good quality wines.

The trend appears encouraging. According to Ismea-Uiv estimates, in the first 9 months of 2015 Italian wine exports to China grew by 42 percent in volume and 60 percent in value, for a total turnover estimated at 1.3 billion euros.


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