Camelid milk, Mediterranean perspective


The climate emergency and food security needs stimulate reflections on the desirability of raising camelids to produce milk and dairy products with high nutritional value, including from a Mediterranean perspective. Indeed, resilience, animal welfare and health promotion seem to converge on the promising value of this area of animal husbandry.

Census of the population of camels and dromedaries in the 46 countries where they are raised is difficult to update accurately, as these activities often take place in remote areas and with nomadic communities. Moreover, the nutritional value of camel milk and also the related economic interest for the farmers themselves lead to predictions of a growing trend. (1)

A scientific review by two of the leading experts in the field (Konuspayeva, Faye, 2021) identified the most suitable techniques for processing this raw material, which differs from cow’s milk in several respects and therefore requires the execution of appropriately adapted processes. (2)

Camelids, resilience and subsistence

Camelids-namely camels (Camelusbactrianus), dromedaries(Camelus dromedarius) and their crosses-have a crucial role in the subsistence of some pastoral populations in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

Resilient and productive, these animals are key players in various socio-economic and cultural interactions, from transportation to traditional racing. They are therefore preferred over other livestock and considered valuable long-term investments. (3)

In turn, the transition from the traditional extensive farming model to more current forms, such as semi-intensive, is gradually taking hold. Hand in hand with the widespread consumption of camel milk and its fermentation products in urban settings.

Data shortage

The official data available involve 46 nations, including 20 in Africa, 25 in Asia and 1 in Europe, Ukraine. FAO maintains the most comprehensive database, which is, however, partial and largely based on unavoidably rough estimates.

FAOSTAT in fact, in its latest report, collects only data provided by the governments of about half of the countries where camelids are bred, often without even distinguishing between species. Therefore, the researchers recommend strengthening census activities.

Camel milk

Camel milk is generally consumed in its raw state in nomadic traditions. Who have always resorted to natural fermentation to prolong their shelf-life. On the other hand, pasteurization is necessary to inhibit pathogenic microorganisms.

Pulverization is now considered one of the best strategies to ensure product preservation and transportation even over long distances. However, costs for water removal remain high in both spray-drying and freeze-drying cases.

Processed products

Spontaneous fermentation has resulted in many traditional products, such as shubat in Kazakhstan, garris in Sudan, laben in Arab countries, andititu in Ethiopia, to be consumed pure. Or Morocco’s lfrik and Iranian chal, to be mixed in water. This variety of products derives from the abundant microbiological biodiversity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) useful for technological developments that offer sensory and health properties of great interest, as noted. (4)

Cheese, yogurt and butter from camel milk, on the other hand, are free of tradition and industrial applications. The lower amount of k-caseins is in fact an obstacle to making a strong curd, as well as consistent structures. In contrast, the small size of fat globules, which is hostile to butter production, favors that of ice cream. Indeed, which are already widely used in the UAE, Morocco and Kazakhstan.

Interim conclusions

The census of camelids (camels and dromedaries) bred on the planet deserves proper and continuous updating, in order to better understand the opportunities that may arise. And it is also important to refine technologies consistent with the peculiarities of camel milk, with a view to making products with high added value, due to the high digestibility of the raw material and the valuable virtues associated with its consumption (4,5).

The Mediterranean represents a promising geographic context for implementing these activities. The EU Camel Milk research project, in Horizon 2020, brings together the experiences and expertise of some of the top experts in the field, including the authors of the first two studies cited here in the footnote. With contributions from, among others, our team. For the specific purpose of sharing good breeding and processing practices, technologies and rules to be applied. (5)

Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna


(1) Bernard Faye (2020). How many large camelids in the world? A synthetic analysis of the world camel demographic changes. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 10:25,

(2) Gaukhar Konuspayeva, Bernard Faye (2021). Recent Advances in Camel Milk Processing. Animals 11:1045,

(3) Bernard Faye (2013). Camel Farming Sustainability: The Challenges of the Camel Farming System in the XXIth Century. Journal of Sustainable Development 6(12):74-82,

(4) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Camel milk, a supply of probiotics allied to health. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade). 6/24/21,

(5) Dario Dongo. Camel Milk, superfood. Mediterranean research project. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 2.6.19,

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in Food Technologies and Biotechnologies, qualified food technologist, he follows the research and development area. With particular regard to European research projects (in Horizon 2020, PRIMA) where the FARE division of WIISE Srl, a benefit company, participates.