EXPO 2015. Malaysia Pavilion makes incorrect propaganda about palm oil. Great Italian Food Trade and Il Fatto Alimentare write to Expo Commissioner Giuseppe Sala: take away that sign.


Dear Commissioner Sala,

we, the undersigned lawyers Dario Dongo and Dr. Roberto La Pira, in our respective capacities as editors of Great Italian Food Trade (www.greatitalianfoodtrade.com) and Il Fatto Alimentare (www.ilfattoalimentare.it), websites of independent information on the supply chain and agribusiness law, are hereby representing and requesting the following.

We have received news of the display of a sign, at the Malaysian pavilion in Expo, where it is alleged that voluntary claims about the absence of palm oil on food labels are contrary to European law.

This news is devoid of any basis, as can already be seen from its dubious introduction: in asserting the theoretical violation of an EU regulation, it in fact refers not to the legislative text, let alone to the European legislature or the Court of Justice in Luxembourg (the only entities legitimized to express official interpretations), but to the positions of ‘legal experts’ and a ‘renowned international law firm.

Well, since the World Expo is not a place for propaganda on interpretative theorems of European law, and the message proposed in the Malaysian pavilion may cause confusion among consumers and business operators visiting Expo, we request your interest so that the aforementioned sign, a photograph of which is attached, be removed as soon as possible.

Awaiting a courteous and prompt response, we are pleased to extend our best regards

Dario Dongo and Roberto La Pira

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.