Healthy animals and online medical records, a database to enhance Italian animal husbandry 4.0


Healthy animals and online medical records to enhance Italian animal husbandry 4.0. Safety, animal welfare and transparency. This is discussed in Padua on May 26, 2017. (1)

‘Computerized animal husbandry for healthy breeding, from Form 4 to electronic prescription. A European medical record?‘ Is the title of the conference moderated by Fabrizio De Stefani, director of Asl 7 Veneto. (2)

The idea is to converge each animal’s health and welfare information into the database that already collects the information prescribed by European regulations. It will thus be able to ensure the highest level of transparency in Italian animal husbandry at the system-country level.

Healthy animals, seal of Italian quality

Italian Animal Husbandry 4.0, on the other hand, already has what it takes to stand out internationally. Thanks in part to a public veterinary supervision that is unique in the world in terms of its effectiveness and oversight, our supply chain has remained unscathed by the not a few crises that have swept through Europe in recent decades.

‘Origine Italia’ – the indication used to express that the animal’s birth, rearing and slaughtering took place in Italian territory – will thus take on a new meaning. A unique guarantee of compliance with regulations to protect food safety, animal welfare, and consumer information.

An all-round national seal of quality, which will even prescind from the individual choices of breeders and projects such as Coop Italia’s ‘Let’s Breed Health . Since the compilation and maintenance of electronic records will affect everyone, indiscriminately.


(1) Organizing secretariat, Consorzio Italia Zootecnica,, tel. 049.8830675, cell. 3351225800
(2) Speakers:
– Michele Brichese, Director of Veterinary Services of the Veneto Region,
– Antonio Vitali, Coordinator of the ‘Electronic Prescription’ Project of the Lombardy Region,
– Dario Dongo, PhD in Food Law, lawyer and journalist expert in Food and Consumer Law at European and International level
– Giuseppe Pan, Regional Agriculture Councillor – Representative Delegate State/Regions Agricultural Policy Commission Ruocco
– Luigi Ruocco, Directorate General of Animal Health and Veterinary Drugs, Ministry of Health,
– Giuseppe Blasi, Head of the Department of European and International Policies and Rural Development
– Elisabetta Gardini, Member Commission ENVI – Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, FI Group Leader in the European Parliament

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.