In Japan, the over-60s drive consumption


Beautiful. Easy to use. And in plastic. It is the winning packaging in Japan, where the main consumers are the over-60s, the source of 40 percent of consumption, and who prefer light, aesthetically pleasing, and well-labeled packages.

The aging of the population, which characterizes Japan as well as many other advanced countries, certainly affects the search for ergonomically curated packaging. However, the ease of opening and handling the package is only part of the demand. Equally crucial is aesthetics, a central element in Japanese culture, and the completeness of consumer information.

According to a survey conducted by the British market research firm Canadean, the current trend will produce an increase in plastic packaging, both rigid and flexible, of 6.9 billion packs over the 2012-2017 period. With 3 percent growth for jars designed to contain products intended for health and beauty care. 

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