Interporto della Toscana Centrale 4.0 on 8.7.22 showcases some revolutionary technologies on the transportation, workplace safety and last-mile delivery services front. The application of smart solutions to grasp the goal of decarbonization and digitization of logistics makes the Gonfientihub an experimental center of excellence nationwide.
Interporto della Toscana Centrale 4.0, thehub of smart logistics
Various companies such as Cisco, Navya, Estra, Susa are participating in the event ‘Interporto Toscana Centrale 4.0 – Smart Logistics, Last Mile, I-mobility and 5g‘. Regis Motors is present with 4 vehicles: Epic0 Fixed box, Epic0 Extendable tipper box, Epic0 Compact
and Epic0 traveling registry box in Turin.
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All of them have chosen to illustrate and test in the Prato logistics hub some revolutionary technologies in the areas of transportation, workplace safety and last-mile delivery services.
Economic and environmental sustainability
The Interport, at the urging of President Francesco Querci and Roberto Maldacea the senior partner for technological innovation and the I-mobility, wants to become the promoter and experimenter of a series of innovative projects to accompany the metropolitan district and all of Tuscany toward new technological challenges, with a view to economic and environmental sustainability.
Not surprisingly, at theInterport, in addition to main sponsor Estra, and technical sponsors Cisco, Enav, Navya and Regis Motors, there will also be some of the major logistics companies operating in the Gonfienti infrastructure.
What’s new on stage at the Gonfienti hub
The July 8 event provides an opportunity to touch on some digital technologies for the safety of goods and the safety of workers at work. A test can be taken aboard a level three self-driving shuttle on an authorized indoor route. And still view and test drive some electric vehicles set up for last-mile municipal services.
‘Interport confirms its central role within Tuscan and national logistics. We want to play a leading role in a path of innovation that can improve business operations, lower emissions, and ensure increasingly efficient services for users. We address both the public and private sectors, getting to the heart of the measures outlined in the NRP‘, explains President Francesco Querci.
The partnership with municipalities
The initiative in the Interporto della Toscana Centrale will also be attended by the president of the region, Eugenio Giani, and the mayor of Prato, Matteo Biffoni.
Some of the submitted projects will be operational as early as December. The Freight Village will also use the initiative as a bridge to the last-mile revolution, on which in agreement with the municipalities involved there will be developments as early as after the summer.
Mission decarbonization and digitalization
‘Digitization, energy transition, and issues associated with the mobility of people and goods, including the last mile are now an inescapable unicum for those in the logistics industry.
The many partners already operating in our project will accompany us on our decarbonization and digitization mission, making the Freight Village an experimental hub of excellence at the national level,’ explains Roberto Maldacea.
Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".