The Italian food supply chain supports Disability Pride Italy. The big event, which this year for the first time will be held in Rome, at the same time as New York, on Sunday, July 15, 2018.
The virtuous group includes top Italian food brands. Businesses dedicated to creating value for all under the banner of sustainability and inclusion. The criteria that inspire Great Italian Food Trade, the portal founded by Dario Dongo. Lawyer and journalist with expertise in food law, as well as a member of Disability Pride Onlus.
Disability Pride Italy, the sponsors
Coop Italy. Italy’s first large-scale retail brand needs no introduction. (1) His activities for the creation of a more just world are many and valuable. The first to exclude palm oil from its branded products, it has always been dedicated to the integrity of the supply chain, ensuring respect for individuals and the quality of products from farm to table. At Disability Pride on July 15, he also provides thirst quenchers for the participants, offering mineral water.
Felsineo. The world’s leading producer of mortadella, the renowned Bologna-based brand Felsineo works tirelessly to improve product quality. The same family has developed a second line of business, Mopur, devoted entirely to plant-based products.
Brendolan. A company active in the Northeast since 1925, it operates a state-of-the-art distribution center in Italy. 9 thousand square meters and 16 supermarkets diversified into three signs, ‘Vivo Supermarkets’, ‘B2 Low Prices Everyday’ and ‘Mio Discount’. 8,500 references under the Noi&Voi brand to offer high quality within everyone’s reach.
Italian Seal Consortium
. The symbol that distinguishes the quality of beef from animals raised in Italy according to best practices inspired by the welfare of cattle and the quality of products derived from them. Good Italian Meat.
. The emblem of Apulian durum wheat pasta, according to a centuries-old tradition. In addition to the Dedicato line, with local grains, Granoro makes a pasta with betaglucans from barley, which is useful in reducing blood cholesterol. Without giving up the pleasure of good food.
Gold Coast. The Umbrian oil company has grown in just a few decades from a small local operation to a brand leader for quality extra virgin olive oil, now distributed in more than 100 countries. Ethics and research qualify a company that operates under the banner of quality, sustainability and transparency. Flagship product, unfiltered extra virgin olive oil.
Leo’s. The historic Lucanian cookie factory has for centuries offered a wide range of baked goods made with care through selection of the best traditional Italian ingredients. Strictly palm oil-free. It prides itself on working for several years in a strictly nut-free establishment to ensure inclusion of allergic consumers.
Enervit. The historical leader, in Italy and Europe, of foods and dietary supplements for athletes. He also devotes his commitments to the Zone Diet for balance in nutrition for all. In addition to supporting lifelong athletes-including Paralympic champions such as Alex Zanardi-Enervit advocates for inclusion. In the name of a shared value, strictly ‘Made in Italy’.
Noberasco. The famous Ligurian brand, which specializes in dried and dehydrated fruits, is one of the rising stars in Italian agribusiness. I
Noberasco for quality nutrition are now produced in a global state-of-the-art plant, in Carcare (Savona, Italy).
St. Julian’s. The culture of oil in Sardinia, in the beautiful land of Alghero. Extra virgin olive oils, but also Mediterranean vegetable preserves and a cosmetic line, all revolve around the olive tree.
Crich. The Treviso-based company Specializing in the production and marketing of a wide range of bakery products, such as dry and shortbread cookies, crackers, wafers and pretzels, including organic ones, will make Disability Pride sweeter by offering their products to participants.
Nature Care. The fourth generation of the Ferri family is at the forefront of the pig breeding and feed business under the banner of all-around animal welfare. Animals educated to sleep dry, fed berries and flax to promote Omega 3 intake. Good fats for everyone.
Hausbrandt Coffee. Coffee from Trieste has been selecting the best beans since 1892 to offer the world the finest Italian coffee blends, which is perpetuated in a company driven by young people and women.
Naturalia. At its Sicilian plant in Mazara del Vallo, Trapani, Naturalia innovates the Italian grape supply chain with innovative processes and solutions such as crystalline grape sugar and granular fructose from grapes. A unique product the former, an Italian excellence the latter (in a global fructose market dominated by corn derivatives). Italian grapes for all, in all its forms.
New Alimenta. Committed for three decades to the production of innovative foods, Abruzzo-based New Alimenta produces cookies and snacks with a diet and sports vocation, under the banner of balancing protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber. Without giving up, above all, the pleasure of flavor.
Sgambaro Mill and Pasta Factory. The first Italian pasta industry to have successfully tackled the path of all-round sustainability. First also to certify a package of pasta from the origin and get the label ‘100% Italian durum wheat’ and ‘Km Zero’. It employs only renewable energy and has started new production of organic Italian durum wheat.
Saclà. A family business led by the second and third generations of the Ercole family, Saclà is a leader in the olive, pickle and pickle oil market. It exports its ready-made pasta sauces (pesto, red sauces, etc.) to more than 40 countries around the world.
Molinari. Leading family company in the world in the production of authentic sambuca, the best-selling Italian liqueur on 5 Continents. Molinari also produces the historic Limoncello Manzi, from Capri.
. The Capital’s historic brand of cookies, which have always been made with the finest ingredients, is now a Cult all over the world. Its products will be tasted at People’s Square on Sunday, July 15, 2018, during Disability Pride.
Marta Strinati and Dario Dongo
(1) Coop Italy’s commitments on various fronts are described in numerous articles, which can be found by following the link