Italian organic on record: consumers demand sustainability and health


Italian organic: record growth. Salesin Italy of organic products continue to increase and exports are flying. Nomisma data published by the SANA-ICE Observatory confirm Italians’ passion for organic farming, which is sustainable for people and the environment: purchases are up 15 percent, involving 74 percent of households (about 18 million households) who purchased one or more organic products at least once in the past year in 2016.

Equally flourishing is the figure for exports worldwide. With an annual increase of 16 percent (+408 percent compared to 2008), the overseas performance of tricolor organic garners the most support in the United States, where one-third of consumers rate made-in-Italy organic products as better quality. However, the numbers remain below potential, with a North American market penetration of 10 percent and five percent in Canada.

Italian organic record also on the evolution of the industry. In the wake of a well-established trend, organic areas cultivated (+7.5 percent) and operators (+8.2) in the sector are growing.

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