Liberal campaigns, lobbyists serving palmocrats


‘Liberal Campaigns’ is the website of lobbyists serving palmocrats, also very active on Twitter. In the tradition of the dark knights of manga, (1) the authors of the site entrench themselves behind anonymity to launch their attacks toward the forces of good. But it doesn’t take the talents of Inspector Clouseau to trace the identity of them, and those behind them.

The site ‘Liberal Campaigns’ -according to Whois, Identity for Everyone (2)-was registered on 9/30/16 by tal Pietro Paganini. Which in turn operates through a private entity – ‘Competere,’ with offices in Rome, Milan and Brussels – whose corporate references, moreover, are concealed (not disclosed!). (3) The website ‘Competere’ in turn presents Mr. Pietro Paganini – owner of ‘Liberal Campaigns’ – as an experienced lobbyist. Presumably close to Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, who will speak with a lectio magistralis on ‘Welfare and Freedom’ – sigh! – at the last lecture of the ‘School of Liberalism’ on 6/19/17 on a terrace of the prestigious Via Veneto in the capital. (4)

The owner of the site ‘Liberal Campaigns’, Pietro Paganini, introduces himself as the founder and ‘Curiosity Officer’ (?) of ‘Competere’, a graduate in ‘Business Communication’. He is flanked by Roberto Race, secretary general of Competere as well as‘Co-founder of The Ghost Team, the first international network of ghostwriters for entrepreneurs, managers, diplomats, military and politicians.’ Honorary chairman Mario Lupo, former president of ILVA (the one in Taranto, ed.). As well as a bevy of journalists and lawyers, including Riccardo Rossotto, ‘a member of the Legal Committee of the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board.’ And to Angelo Bruscino, president of the young entrepreneurs of Confapi (federation of Italian SMEs).

On social media, this team of lobbyists claims to‘Promote bottom-up social influence campaigns and disseminate partners’ messages on the network.’ The professional activity of ‘Advocacy from Below’ is presented as‘reaching the target audience from below, soliciting public opinion and decision makers to increase consensus on specific issues.’ In the areas of focus, between‘finance and banking‘ and‘health and pharma‘ also appears-as a cabbage in the hand, some would say-‘food and beverage.’

Citizen lobbyists. Dark knights of manga or anonymous palmists?

But what do these gentlemen have to do with the current debate on palm oil? It says on the website that‘Liberal Campaigns is a citizens’ association that defends freedom of choice and promotes the scientific method.’ #BeautyWhoBelieves! The dark knights boast expertise in lobbying but not in science, let alone food. Until they were scripted by someone to mystify news about the palm tree.

The climax was reached a few months ago in ascribing to a doctor’s joke, at a Neapolitan conference, a ‘weight’ greater than Efsa 3.5.16’s scientific assessment. On the serious dangers, of cancer and genetic mutation, associated with the intake of contaminants in which palm is extraordinarily rich.

And who on earth will be behind this ‘association of citizens’ lobbyists? We have asked this repeatedly on Twitter, where the dark knights of the manga have repeatedly called us out on it. But predictably, they did not respond. And we ‘banned’ them, as they say in the jargon, since we are instead used to interjecting even with stalkers but not with anonymous palmists. On the other hand, you don’t need Inspector Clouseau to guess who pays for the dark knights in the manga. Good morning Enthusiasm!

Dario Dongo

(1) V. https://it.
(3) Head office indicated in Piazza San Salvatore in Lauro 13, 00186 Rome, tel. 06 9784.2491
(4) Will it be a coincidence that the minister has done nothing to protect children and adolescents from the risks of cancer and DNA damage, as well as kidney and testicular damage, linked to palm exposure?

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.