Mineral water to quench Africa’s thirst. The WAMA project


The WAMA project, bottled mineral water with solidarity taste

Each bottle purchased is equivalent to supplying 100 liters of drinking water to communities that lack it. This is the added value of WAMI bottled mineral water, an oligomineral mountain water, which flows from the Pradis spring in the Carnic Pre-Alps.

In times when greenwashing and impractical social responsibility claims are rampant, the WAMA model stands out for consistency. Projects to conduct drinking water where it is lacking are first implemented, then refinanced with the sale of bottled water. As of November 2017, drinking water supply is nearing completion in the village of Eguilaye in Tengory, Casamance, Senegal, where 53 families, totaling 459 people, live. 120 thousand bottles of WAMA water will need to be sold to start the next project.

On the sustainability front-unlike a product packaged in plastic bottles-WAMA employs recyclable plastic and is in the process of adopting reclaimed plastic (r-Pet). To mitigate the environmental impact, estimation of CO2 emitted in the bottling and distribution stages is also underway, which will be offset by planting trees.

WAMA water distribution is still limited. It can be consumed in restaurants that already serve it-thanks to a recent alliance with the Partesa Group, Italy’s leading beverage distributor on the Ho.Re.Ca. channel. – and purchase online. Or again, in the organic store chain Bio c’ Bon. One can only wish the best success to this Milan-based solidarity enterprise so that it can reach as many people as possible. Especially in Italy, a country thirsty for solidarity projects and the European champion in the consumption of bottled mineral water.


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