Organic bags, danger of deception


Biodegradable bags fee, has been the rule in Italy since January 1, 2018. However, food bags made of ultralight material (<15 microns) must meet specific requirements.
Danger of deception

for the


and traditional distribution, artisans and street vendors, the



Organic bags, the first reactions of consumers

The obligation to use organic bags as the primary packaging for fruits, vegetables and other bulk foods-and to mandate their payment tracked on receipts, by the end consumer (1)-has garnered extraordinary attention in the mainstream media. It also causes disproportionate reactions in consumption trends. According to early surveys, 44 percent of consumers within a few weeks would have already changed their fruit and vegetable purchases. Moving toward both pre-wrappers, at the supermarket, and traditional distribution, which employs paper bags not subject to ad hoc payment.

Despite the relatively small impact of organic bags on overall expenditures (estimated at about 12 euros a year, for a family of 3), the measure has therefore been met with disfavor by consumers. Although their prices-which vary from supermarket to supermarket, between 1 and 3 cents-are still lower than those of wet waste bags, to which the same may be destined. (2)

Organic bags, technical details and deception danger

From a technical point of view, the measure appears at first glance to be similar to that which in Italy has already affected so-called ‘shoppers,’ i.e., the traditional lightweight plastic bags (<50 microns) used in stores as well as in all commercial activities. But this is not the case.
A first reasoning can be made because of the prices charged.

Ultralight biodegradable bags.

, according to the new standard, (3) must in fact comply with the biodegradability and compostability parameters imposed by UNI 13432, in addition to being compatible with food contact


And they must have a minimum renewable raw material content of no less than 40 percent, which must reach 50 percent in 2020 and 60 percent in 2021.

The minimum renewable raw material content , however, should be calculated as the ratio of the percentage of carbon of biological origin in the bag to the total carbon contained therein. Applying the relevant international standard, UNI/CEN/TS 16640. Therefore, it is not sufficient to calculate the share of renewable raw material (the biobased polymer), fed into the extruder.

Basically, one has to calculate thecarbon footprint (carbon footprint) from renewable source contained in the bag. Since the law-in prescribing that organic bags contain ‘as a minimum not less than 40 percent renewable raw material‘-explicitly refers to the ‘UNI 16640 standard,’ i.e., the international standard mentioned above.

The danger deception – looming over large-scale retail (GDO) and traditional distribution, artisans and street vendors, as well as pharmacies-is related to offering biodegradable bags made yes with a minimum renewable matter content of 40 percent, but with a carbon footprint from renewable sources of less than 40 percent. Therefore outlawed. Behind the apparent savings is the risk of incurring penalties of 2,500 to 25,000 euros, up to 100,000 in the most serious cases. (4)

The global market for biodegradable plastics

is experiencing tremendous growth

, with plans to double in the coming years. Businesses in Italy must therefore pay close attention to the offerings-from the Far East in particular-of ultralight bags at prices far below the market average. Which could be outlawed because of a carbon footprint from renewable sources well below the required 40 percent.

Outlaw biodegradable bags, how to distinguish them?

When purchasing organic ultralight bags, the trader should first check for the presence of the manufacturer’s (or importer’s) name, the declaration of compliance for food use, and the words ‘complies with EN 13432 and UNI 16640’.

It is advisable to ask the supplier for manufacturer or importer contacts and especially for certificates of conformity of the materials they used to produce the bag. Data and documents whose existence and compliance is an essential condition for ascertaining the compliance of biodegradable bags with legal requirements.

Bearing in mind that in Europe, polymer manufacturers able to boast ‘okay biobased‘ certification that includes compliance with UNI/CEN/TS 16640 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The temptation to give in to the enticement of unscrupulous importers with competitive prices is as real as it is dangerous.

Luca Foltran and Dario Dongo


(1) Cf. Decree Law 91/17, converted with amendments into Law 123/17. See Article 9-bis, on

(2) Taking care to remove the printed paper sticker, which, however, is not compatible with wet waste

(3) See footnote 1

(4) Without excluding the risk of charges of the crime of fraud in trade (Criminal Code, Article 515). Which takes the form of selling aliud pro alio, that is, products of inferior characteristics and quality to those promised. As precisely in the case of selling outlawed ultralight bags.

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