Origin of milk. Label indication of the origin of the raw material used in butter, mozzarella, cheese, yogurt and dairy products


Operation transparency on the origin of milk used to produce many products such as milk, butter, yogurt, mozzarella, cheese and dairy products is approaching. The process that will end with the introduction of mandatory indication is proceeding on the dual track, national and EU.

On May 12, 2016, the European Parliament passed a Resolution on the issue, calling on the Commission to implement mandatory country of origin or place of provenance labelling for all types of milk for direct consumption, as well as dairy products.

A few days later, on May 31, 2016, the Ministry for Agricultural Policies (MiPAAF) finalized-and sent to Brussels for due diligence-the interministerial decree dictating the new labeling rules for dairy products in Italy.

The Italian text requires the indication of the country of origin of the milk, specifying the place where the three stages are carried out: milking, packaging and processing.

The decree has raised criticism. The regulatory scheme, according to detractors, does not guarantee the achievement of the goals it pursues.

Food and Agriculture Requirements publishes an in-depth technical analysis of the contents of the two measures: the European Parliament resolution and the Italian interministerial decree.

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