We publish the appeal made by humanitarian organizations to the Italian government and the European Union.
Urgent EU response to stop slaughter in the Mediterranean
Joint appeal to the Italian government and the European Union by Oxfam Italy, Concord Italy, Save the Children, AOI, Arci, Focsiv, Cospe and Cocis. Among the demands are the creation of a European “Mare Nostrum,” the suspension of the Dublin Regulation and the resettlement of migrants who are beneficiaries of international protection.
Over 1,600 victims since the beginning of the year. Between the 15 thousand and 25 thousand migrants who have died trying to cross the Mediterranean since 1998. These are the numbers of a war that day after day is unfolding in the Mediterranean before our eyes, in the face of a Europe blocked by cross vetoes, timidity, selfishness and propaganda talk. Yet another monstrous massacre on the night between Saturday and Sunday must represent a watershed between what has been and what can no longer be.
As civil society organizations, we believe that it is no longer time for hesitation: we advance a series of requests to European institutions and member states no longer as individual associations, but by creating a coordination that clarifies how much, in the face of a situation that seems intolerable to us,we intend to raise our voices to protect the rights of migrants caught up in a real humanitarian catastrophe.
In light of the current situation in the Mediterranean we call on the Italian government, the Commission and the Council of the European Union to:
1. launch a search and rescue operation (modeled after “Mare Nostrum”) promoted, coordinated and funded at the European level, with the mandate of rescue and protection of migrants at sea;
2. manage and concretely make possible the process of resettlement for beneficiaries of international protection. Ensure to men, women and children, safe transit to Europe, in coordination with humanitarian spaces and refugee camps, directed by UNHCR and the active participation of civil society and migrant rights organizations so that human dignity is safeguarded and offered a concrete way of escape, protection and human development;
3. suspend for at least 12 months the Dublin Regulation which, by forcing migrants to apply for asylum in the country of arrival, generates imbalances and prolongs the ordeal of asylum seekers even within European borders;
4. Tying migration processes to international cooperation programs and with the development of countries of origin and transit through international agreements Who see mobility as a choice that can foster human development, and reporting specific conditions on the respect of human rights in those countries, without introducing elements of blackmail to transfer the Responsibility for managing the flow of asylum seekers to countries around to Europe and the Mediterranean;
5. build a new narrative with respect to the migration phenomenon that allows for a serious public debate,based on knowledge of real data, unmasking, in the face of a dramatic and complex problem, the prevalence of propagandistic speculation and electoral exploitation, which have now seriously affected public opinion.
The organizations that signed this appeal strongly urge the European Union and its decision-making bodies (Parliament, Commission and Council) to put in place the necessary measures to stop the massacre of migrants in the Mediterranean and reiterate their commitment to the implementation of the actions set forth in this document.
The signatory organizations:
Oxfam Italy
Concord Italy
AOI-Cooperation and International Solidarity.
Save the Children
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.