Fraternal friend Vito Gulli left us suddenly, with a cough, in his home. With an unfailing tweet. ‘The good fortune of living in the Levant of Genoa … I realized this even as a child…. not only now that … volgo al desio’.
Early proponent of critical analysis of the food supply chain on this site in which he has actively participated, with rough writings (1,2) and valuable consultation, as well as of the Égalité association and its smart (wheelchair) project.
Vito Gulli, humanist entrepreneur
‘An entrepreneur of ‘humanist’ extraction , he is famous for having led Generale Conserve S.p.A., known for the ASDOMAR brand, from 2001 to 2017. He has always invested in Made in Italy, its supply chains and workers, to whom he still devotes his commitment and free thought. Also serving as Federalimentare’s probationer.‘. No one could describe himself better, in his profile on GIFT…
A great example. A big heart animated by the genius that enabled him-among his many generous charitable activities-to restore work to a hundred laid-off workers and bring to splendor a plant destined to close. To locate right in Olbia, in the beloved Sardinia, the entire processing of canned only whole and sustainable tuna. (3)
Our Myth, Our Vito
We thought you were immortal, like a super hero,
But unfortunately, this is not the case.
Generous, passionate, dreamer, forward-looking, smoker,
Self-centered, but unique in your being.
We all owe you so much, in so many different ways,
We grew up with you and for you.
We will never find a way to thank you,
But you were and will eternally be our Myth, our Vito.
You have been our Family and we will be
forever yours.
Always in our hearts
Always in our hearts you will be, brother. For what remains, there is only hope that Your star will illuminate some thinking heads in the years to come. Workers and true and measurable sustainability at the center, emancipation from all public (from the ongoing emergency to the ESM) and private (unfair trade practices above all) lies and dictatorships.
To David, Diego and Laura, a big hug.
(1) Vito Gulli. A Black Friday for our economy. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 25.11.18,
(2) Vito Gulli, Dario Dongo. Canettone and panettone, the necessary revolution. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade). 12/17/18,
(3) Minimum length 1 meter, minimum weight 20 kg. This is the only way to prevent the depopulation of the seas (Vito Gulli). See previous article ‘Canned tuna, pirates and mysteries ‘
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.