Walmart USA sued by workers


Walmart, the world’s leading group in the
, with branches in every part of the globe, still slips on the issue of social responsibility. This time at home, in the U.S., for threats and retaliation against workers, sanctioned by the ‘Nation Labor Relations Board.’

The federal agency-which intervened following the dismissals of some employees who had protested unfair working conditions and wages-ordered Walmart to reinstate them and pay damages. Nothing new for the U.S. ‘retail’ giant, which unfortunately has a long history of ‘violations of laws to protect the environment, customer health, and workers.’

Walmart has collected a number of complaints over the years in the United States, including for immigrant exploitation and worker discrimination, and in Mexico for bribery of public officials. Disputes as well in Bangladesh, over inexcusable inattention to workplace safety at the factory that produced clothes for Walmart stores in Rana Plaza, and collapsed in April 2013 killing 1,100 people.

US$17 billion in profit evidently is not enough for the greedy top management of the U.S. giant to start looking at the life around, and the one that will follow. No, thank you.

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