World Earth Day. Encyclical Laudato Si’ to overcome the pandemic


The 50th World Earth Day (2) opens its celebrations in Italy with Pope Francis’general audience. On the fifth anniversary of the encyclical Laudato si’, the Pontiff reiterates its fundamental concepts for understanding and overcoming the Covid 19 pandemic with an ecological and unified approach.

The common house

‘We are honored by the commitment’
by Pope Francis ‘in uniting people about the importance of the Earth at this very important time,’ say Denis Hayes and Kathleen Rogers, founder of Earth Day and president of the Earth Day Network. ‘His Encyclical Laudato si’ emphasizes the close relationship of each of us with our unique Planet. (1)

Our planet is a common home, not a repository of resources to be exploited. ‘Instead, we polluted and despoiled it, endangering our own lives. We have failed in caring for the earth, our home-garden, how can we restore a harmonious relationship with the earth and the rest of humanity? We need a new way of looking at our common home‘.

The desecration of the intimate harmony between all that exists in nature has led to the environmental and climatic imbalances that culminated in the pandemic from Covid 19, along with other disasters. (3)

Integral ecology

Human life and the environment are undergoing serious, perhaps irreversible destruction. (4). The Pontiff had stressed the urgency of putting integral ecology into practice a few months ago, on Oct. 15.10.19, at the Special Synod for the Pan-Amazonian Region. Denouncing socio-environmental abominations in the Amazon rainforest, ‘alung of fundamental importance to our planet.’ (5) In this regard, our initiative against GMO soybeans, palm oil and American meats is recalled.

Beauty will save the world

Let us awaken the aesthetic and contemplative sense that God has placed in us’. ‘The prophecy of contemplation is something we learn especially from the original peoples […]. They have that wisdom of ‘good living,’ not in the sense of passing well, no: but of living in harmony with the earth. They call “good living” this harmony.’ (Pope Francis.
Querida Amazonia.
, 2.2.20. Item 56)

Harmony is expressed in the natural slowness of biological evolution, in the slow turn of the seasons. And so in the steps and processes ofpeasant agriculture, as it is devoted to respecting ecosystems. (5)

The role of politics

The ineffectiveness of politics, nationally and internationally, had already been denounced by the pontiff in a special chapter of the encyclical. (6) The ecological and social crisis, planet-wide, is as well known as it is ignored by all decision makers. Starting with the G-7 heads of state, as noted above.

The #WorldEconomicFailure-from which only China has distinguished itself, over the past two decades-must be corrected with concrete and effective actions. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in UN Agenda 2030 are moving away rather than closer, and it is therefore necessary to strengthen international cooperation through binding agreements, based on a Constitution for the Earth.

‘I stress the importance of working together as an international community to protect our common home. I urge those in authority to lead the process leading up to two major international conferences: the COP15 on Biodiversity in Kunming, China, and the COP26 on Climate Change in Glasgow, UK. These two meetings are very important.’ (#Pontifex_en)

The role of civil society

Youth mobilization is necessary for the preservation of the environment. The various international and local movements that have formed to awaken consciences need to be heard and effectively followed.

‘I sincerely appreciate these initiatives, and it will still be necessary for our children to take to the streets to teach us the obvious, which is that there is no future for us if we destroy the environment that sustains us. It is good to converge together from all social conditions and also give birth to a grassroots movement ‘from below’. World Earth Day itself, which we celebrate today, was born just like that. Each of us can make our own small contribution’ (Jorge Mario Bergoglio, general audience, 4/22/20). (7)

Giulia Caddeo and Dario Dongo



(2) World Health Day has been organized annually since 4/22/1970, at the initiative of the environmental movement Earth Day Network. And it was recognized by the UN in 2009. It is joined by 75,000 partners in 193 countries to promote environmental democracy. Due to the social distancing norms caused by Covid 19, the 2020 edition has been configured as a ‘Multimedia World Marathon’ entitled #OnePeopleOnePlanet, broadcast in italy on the streaming channel Rai Play. 12 hours of testimonies, artistic performances, insights with experts, to build a sustainable future

(3) Pollution, global warming, biodiversity loss and climate emergency, desertification are just the consequences of reckless resource management. And the food system now in vogue is one of the most important factors. V.

COVID-19 and the crisis in food systems: Symptoms, causes, and potential solutions.
April 2020,

Encyclical letter Laudato si’ on care for the common home
. Vatican Publishing Library, 2015, ISBN 978-8820995782. See par. 11, p. 11

(5) Michael Czerny – David Martínez.
Why Does the Amazon Deserve a Synod?

(6) Encyclical. The Dialogue on the Environment in International Politics. Chapter V, Par I, Sec. 170, p. 155

(7) ‘Commendable are the efforts of international bodies and civil society organizations that raise people’s awareness and cooperate critically, including by using legitimate pressure mechanisms, so that each government fulfills its own and non-delegable duty to preserve its country’s environment and natural resources, without selling out to ambiguous local or international interests.’ Chapter I, Par III – Loss of Biodiversity. Sect. 38, p. 36

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in law, master in Food, Law & Finance. You have explored the theme of green procurement and urban food policies in the International Cooperation and Peace sector of the City of Turin.