Wasteless, EU research project on circular economy and blockchain


‘Wasteless,’ the EU research project that will develop new circular economy performance measurement tools using the Wiise Chain blockchain, is at the starting gate. (1)

The perspective is to incentivize the virtuous reuse of waste(upcycling) and reduce food waste-food loss and food waste (2)-at all stages of the agrifood supply chain.


WASTELESS – ‘Waste Quantification Solutions to Limit Environmental Stress‘ – is the research and innovation project, developed with the strategic contribution of the writer (Wiise benefit) and successfully presented by the consortium of the same name.

The project responds to the call in Horizon Europe’s multi-year program (2021-2027) on ‘Research and innovation for food losses and waste prevention and reduction through harmonized measurement and monitoring.’ (3)

2) Objectives

The goals of Wasteless are:

  • develop a unified system, based on blockchain technology, where each organization in the food supply chain can record material flows (primary and secondary),
  • enable the measurement and monitoring of food losses and wastes (FLW), by individual organizations as well as public and research agencies,
  • Promote the reduction of food waste through evidence of alternative, win-win solutions for individuals and society.

2.1) Big Data

The availability of Big Data is a prerequisite for setting public and private strategies consistent with the objectives. Wasteless proposes a ‘bottom-up’ approach, from small data to Big Data, articulated as follows:

  • establishment of uniform methods and tools for both data collection and qualitative analysis of the collected data,
  • testing of the tools adopted for data collection from supply chain operators, from farm to fork,
  • evaluation of the suitability of the tools, their quality and interoperability in other public and private settings,
  • recommendations to policy and organizations on how to integrate data collection(food loss, food waste).

2.2) Toolbox

Organizations will be able to register their material flows in the Wasteless system for:

  • measure their own circular economy performance, in relation to the various steps of the Lansink scale,
  • check the consistency of the data collected on Wasteless, thanks to blockchain technology and available benchmarks,
  • draw on a ‘toolbox’(toolbox) where practitioners from various supply chains share experiences in upcycling, (4) reusing and repurposing various materials.

3) Blockchain

Blockchain is the most impactful technology, in the Wasteless project, because it is an open innovation. That is, all agribusiness chain operators in the EU will be able to interact with this tool to:

  • Measuring one’s FLW (food loss, food waste),
  • Identify areas for improvement and alternative solutions (e.g., side streams to be optimized for upcycling),
  • Share opportunities with upstream and downstream stakeholders,
  • Offer transparency within the supply chain, with options for audits and digital certifications,
  • Valuing its commitments in ESG logic, (5)
  • Prepare for possible tax and/or contribution benefits.

4) Other technologies for supply chain operators.

Other technologies will be tested and included in the toolbox, serving retail operators above all:

  • AI system for food waste prevention at the distribution level (predictive model of demand and price variation, matching recommendations), in conjunction with Wasteless’ blockchain system,
  • Food waste identification software, to be adopted at points of sale. An opportunity to update waste reduction strategies and optimize the valorization of materials for other uses (food and non-food).

5) Tools for consumers

Some technologies will then be made available to consumers, with the dual function of:

  • Enable the collection of household food waste data, including for research purposes,
  • stimulate consumer attention to both the extent and cost of food waste and how to avoid it. (6)

Household food waste identification software will enable the identification of quantities and characteristics of discarded foods by uploading their photographs. A system of waste prevention through color change signals of rapidly perishable foodstuffs in refrigerators will then be tested.

6) Case studies

The tools and methods will be applied experimentally-and thus adjusted, through feedback received, for validation-on a wide range of case studies. So as to consider:

  • the operational and management needs of farmers and ranchers, processing, logistics and transportation enterprises, and food and beverage distribution and serving,
  • enterprises of various supply chains, sizes and territories in 8 Euro-Mediterranean countries. Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Turkey, Slovenia, Estonia.

7) Upcycling

Lean management strategies are always useful in optimizing flow management, and the Wasteless system will provide operational support for their application. The extra tool they hope to offer-in this, as in other EU research projects, which should always come inspired by open innovation and sharing economy-is the scenario of solutions available to improve processes in a sustainable development logic.

Upcycling can enable the virtuous reuse of waste from every industry and supply chain. Including those in fishing and fish processing, as seen in the #EcoeFISHent project in which Wiise benefit also participates. (7) Therefore, operational solutions to be developed include the recovery of valuable bio-active molecules (e.g., polyphenols, volatile compounds) with green technologies that help contain costs and optimize yields.

8) Reuse

Substances extracted from materials often destined for waste or recycling can be used-as ingredients in functional foods, food additives, medicines, cosmetics, as appropriate. Rather than being used to produce feed, fertilizer, sustainable food packaging.

A synergy has already been planned between Wasteless and the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain) project. Aiming to introduce new functionality into the FoodWasteExplorer system (8), a database that already provides information on nutrients, bioactive substances, and contaminants of various foods.


9) Interim Conclusions

Wasteless got almost top marks from the European Commission evaluators. This is an honor, for those who conceived and will develop the project, but also a responsibility that will find satisfaction only through the active contribution of the practitioners who will participate.

Updates and invitations will follow, to optimize the management of material flows from farm to fork and promote a paradigm shift in the choices and habits of producers, retailers and consumers. To be registered in a Wasteless system with public blockchain, where greenwashing is not allowed.

Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna

Cover image by Lauren Manning. Wasteless Raises $400k Seed for ‘Internet of Groceries’ Technology. Ag Funder Network. 20.4.17

Partners and contacts with Wasteless

Wasteless’s partners are:

1. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro – Portugal
2. Hacettepe university – Turkiye
3. Europatat – Belgium
4. Iseki Food Association – Austria
5. University of Southern Denmark – Denmark
6. Spread European Safety and Sustainability EEIG – Italy
7. Eurofir – Belgium
8. WIISE – Italy
9. Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Universidade de Lisboa – Portugal
10. Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association – Hungary
11. CTIC CITA – Spain
12. Aitown – Italy
13. Jožef Stefan Institute – Slovenia
14. University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest – Hungary
15. Agroscope – Switzerland
16. Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park – Estonia
17. Fazlagida – Turkiye

For more information and news about the Wasteless project, the wastelesseu.com website and social accounts Twitter and LinkedIn are available.

Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna


(1) Dario Dongo, Gianluca Mascellino. Wiise Chain, the real Made in Italy blockchain at competitive costs. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 1.9.19

(2) Dario Dongo, Marta Strinati. Food waste, understanding and action. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 12.11.20

(3) Research and innovation for food losses and waste prevention and reduction through harmonized measurement and monitoring. European Commission

(4) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Upcycling, ameliorative reuse in the food supply chain. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 6.10.21

(5) Dario Dongo. Sustainability reporting, ESG and due diligence. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 18.7.22

(6) Marta Strinati. Ready-made soups against food waste. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 27.8.22

(7) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. EcoeFISHent, upcycling and blue economy in the fish supply chain. The EU research project. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 18.10.21

(8) Food waste explorer. REFRESH research project

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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.

Graduated in Food Technologies and Biotechnologies, qualified food technologist, he follows the research and development area. With particular regard to European research projects (in Horizon 2020, PRIMA) where the FARE division of WIISE Srl, a benefit company, participates.